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m (Install PIM Software)
m (Install PIM Software)
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Start dates once and enter a test event. You will find the <tt>calendar.ics</tt> file in a subdirectory of  
Start dates once and enter a test event. You will find the <tt>calendar.ics</tt> file in a subdirectory of  
Copy your exported iCal-File to that folder and replace <tt>calender.ics</tt>. The events will be visible in PIM-software <i>dates</i>, when restart your freerunner.
Copy your exported iCal-File to that folder and replace <tt>calender.ics</tt>. The events will be visible in PIM-software <i>dates</i>, when you restart your freerunner.
== Sound Control ==
== Sound Control ==

Revision as of 20:17, 6 August 2009

SHR is one of the many distributions that currently work on the Openmoko phones. You can compare a distribution with an Operating System on normal computers. It gives the phone all the software needed for operating. For more information about the different flavors, see distributions.

SHR (Stable Hybrid Release) is a community driven distribution based on the FSO framework. SHR can use several different graphical toolkits, for example GTK or EFL. At first, SHR was introduced in order to use the Om 2007.2 GTK software in combination with the new FSO, but things have changed.

Full Image with custom Background


Feature overview

In the overview below are all the essential features and their status for the current out of the box SHR unstable distribution (latest+modules+updates). Green indicates that this part is functioning well, red indicates a known requirement which will be implemented later on and orange indicates functionality that can (and should) be fixed easily in the distribution for known fixes are available.

Category Name Functionality Comments
System Power Management Suspend when slow, use Qi
System Package manager Installing and upgrading packages Works well. For packages not in the repository, just ask for them to be added via the trac
System Keyboard Offer stylus and finger friendly keyboards install alternative keyboards SHR ticket #200
GSM Network Connect via SIM and PIN
GSM Network Flight mode SHR ticket #333
GSM Dailer Receiving Call no way to adjust (double) audio in and audio out
GSM Dailer Making Call no way to adjust (double) audio in and audio out
GSM Phone Log Overview Log (In, Out, Answered, All)
GSM Phone Log Display Missed Calls
GSM Phone Log Making reply Call from Log
GSM Phone Log Sending reply SMS from Log
Shared Phone Log Creating new SIM contact from Log
GSM SMS Receiving SMS multipart SMS not concatenated SHR ticket #121
GSM SMS SIM phonebook lookup for SMS
GSM SMS View overview of received SMS
GSM SMS Selecting SMS from Overview
GSM SMS Sending new SMS multipart SMS not being sent SHR ticket #121
GSM SMS Sending reply SMS multipart SMS not being sent SHR ticket #121
GSM SMS Making reply Call
GSM SMS Deleting SMS
GSM SMS Storing received contact in contacts
GSM GPRS Configuring and Enabling GPRS Settings->Connectivity: GPRS connect
Shared Contacts Reading SIM contacts
Shared Contacts Selecting SIM contact from Overview
Shared Contacts Creating new SIM contact
Shared Contacts Editing SIM contact
Shared Contacts Deleting SIM contact
Shared Contacts Quick lookup contact with keyboard
Shared Contacts Calling contact
Shared Contacts Sending SMS to contact
Shared Contacts Sending contact via SMS to contact
WiFi Ethernet Configuring and Enabling TCP/IP 1) Settings->Connectivity->WiFi radio=On 2) Mokonnect
GPS Service Receiving GPS data automatically turning on
USB Ethernet Configuring and Enabling TCP/IP done automatically with insecure password
Audio Headset Handsfree calling headphones work, microphone does not work (needs checking!)


Installing SHR is very easy. It is stable enough for a daily use.

You should currently install the unstable build, but keep an eye on the shr blog as the developers may occasionally "break" things in the name of progress ;-)

You can alternatively use the testing version, however as of writing this is very out of date.

A "stable" version will be available when the time is right.

The image links above are for GTA02 (Freerunner). See also other images

I suppose that you know how to use NeoTool, or are able to flash the following to your Neo :

- the Qi bootloader (optional, u-boot should work as well)

- the kernel

- the root filesystem : flash image

Alternatively, you may install it on uSD (for instance with Qi, by extracting contents of the root filesystem tarball on a primary ext2/3 partition.

You can view the sources here.

Connecting your FreeRunner to your computer

For the next configuration steps, you will need to type some commands. It is much easier to type on a real keyboard than on a touch screen. So you need to connect your FR to you computer, and make a bridge to internet. Use the USB Networking page for help about configuring your host computer. NOTE: On first boot after flashing, USB networking can not work. If it's happening, simply reboot and try again.

When you have internet connection forwarded via USB (for example), before anything else you can refresh repositories by running:

opkg update

Setting local time

As any linux system, the UTC time is used by the system. First of all, adjust this time:

date -u -s 010220052009
Fri Jan  2 20:05:00 UTC 2009

Then, you need to "localise" your system. Search for the appropriate country with:

opkg list | grep tzdata

then install the one corresponding to your area.

opkg install tzdata-europe

Then select your city (search the city available in /usr/share/zoneinfo/your-country, example Paris)

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime

You can fully localise your system by installing the glibc-binary-localedata correponding to your langage. Search the ones available with:

opkg list | grep glibc-binary-localedata

install with (example for France)

opkg install glibc-binary-localedata-fr-fr

Changing root password

SHR is shipped without root password (just press enter)

This is dangerous if you connect using USB. You need to activate the root password:


and type your selected password (2 times)

Customize the RingTone

You need to have a file containing the RingTone you want for your FR. You can find some at RingTone

Then transfer it to your FR :

scp file root@

Now you can select ringtone in SHR Settings.

Install PIM Software

If you want to use your iCal-Calendar data on your freerunner install "dates" on your FR. Your FR needs internet connection for the following installation procedure (see USB Networking)

 opkg update
 opkg install dates

Start dates once and enter a test event. You will find the calendar.ics file in a subdirectory of


Copy your exported iCal-File to that folder and replace calender.ics. The events will be visible in PIM-software dates, when you restart your freerunner.

Sound Control

Mic and HP

The first idea is to use alsamixer; bad idea! There are 94 controls, and your modifications will be lost at the next reboot.Finding documentation is not easy. Here is my understanding: Scenari are used for each case. They are located in /usr/share/shr/scenarii/ - capturehandset.state - gsmheadset.state - headset.state - voip-handset.state - gsmhandset.state - gsmspeakerout.state - stereoout.state

Each file is a set of value for the 94 parameters. I have identified some:

- Control 48: internal mic of the tel (set to 2 or 3)

- Control 4 : internal speaker (set from 110 to 120)

- Control 49: headset mic

- Control 3 : headset speaker

NOTE: every Neo seems to be different regarding audio. Probably you have to tweak your own audio config.

Generic info to the Neo soundsystem:

Known Issues

Address Book

SHR is not implementing a PIM (Personal Information Manager) yet. Work is in progress, but to included in SHR testing this has some consequences on daily use:

  • Only contacts on the SIM card are available.
  • It is not possible to import a Vcard file.
    • It seems to be possible with this script written by Zem.

No ringing

After a suspend, the FR does not ringing anymore for incoming calls, it only vibrates. This is due to navit. To correct this :

 opkg remove -force-depends speech-dispatcher

opkg upgrade "fork failed"

Beware that a failed opkg upgrade can result in a non-booting phone :-(


opkg update
cd /media/card
dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile.swp bs=1k count=128000
mkswap swapfile.swp
swapon swapfile.swp
opkg upgrade
swapoff swapfile.swp

Note that using your card for swap could potentially wear it out faster, though probably no need to worry just for the above workaround.

More Information


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