Customizing the Openmoko Distribution/zh tw

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(Your First Application)
Line 143: Line 143:
  # cd build ; . ../setup-env ; bitbake scaredycat-openmoko-devel-image
  # cd build ; . ../setup-env ; bitbake scaredycat-openmoko-devel-image
== Your First Application ==
== 你的第一支程式 ==
I know that I said I'd have a GDK application in here, however, I'd really like to get this whole course done first and have you guys starting to code instead of just looking at what I've written!
我知道我己經說過我有一支 GDK 程式,但是,我希望能讓這個課程完成,並且讓各位可以先著手開始寫程式,而不是看著我如何寫程式。
This will be a very simple CLI hello world.
這是一支很簡單的 CLI hello world。
=== Before We Code ===
=== 在我們開始撰寫程式之前 ===
Like a good coder you want to make sure that you're not just doing things, but that you're doing them the right way!
現在將目錄變更到<code>local/packages</code> ,下方的指令會希望你是在這個目錄下執行:
Now change directories into your <code>local/packages</code> directory.The following commands expect you'll be in that directory so don't change unless you know what you're doing!
You'll want to make a directory with the name of your application, and a subdirectory called files.
   mkdir myhelloworld myhelloworld/files
   mkdir myhelloworld myhelloworld/files
Now you'll want to create two files in the <code>files</code> directory
現在,你會想要在<code>files</code> 目錄下建立兩個檔案。
   touch myhelloworld/files/README.txt myhelloworld/files/myhelloworld.c
   touch myhelloworld/files/README.txt myhelloworld/files/myhelloworld.c
And finally you'll want to create a bitbake file.
最後,你會想要建立一個bitbake file。
   touch myhelloworld/
   touch myhelloworld/
Alrighty now all your necessary files are created so lets go over this real quick.
Line 175: Line 178:
That should be your structure, if it's not you should go and fix it up.
你的目錄結構會像上述結構,如果你的目錄樹並沒有如上的型態,請修復你的目錄樹。===填入檔案 ===
=== Filling the Files ===
So you've got your sample files all laid out now it's time to make them actually do something.
Line 228: Line 230:
=== Your First Compilation ===
=== 第一次執行編譯===
[[MokoMakefile]]現在已經很容易操作了,現在切換到 ${OMDIR} 目錄下,你會看到 <code>Makefile</code> 放置的地方。
This is where the [[MokoMakefile]] comes in very very handy. Change to your ${OMDIR} directory, You'll know it by the fact that it is where <code>Makefile</code> resides.
  make build-package-myhelloworld
  make build-package-myhelloworld
(make sure you run make openmoko-devel-image at least once before building your own packages)
(請確定你在建立你的軟體前至少執行了make  openmoko-devel-image 一次。)
This should all come back and not return any error messages, The output should end in something similar to
NOTE: package myhelloworld-1.0: completed
NOTE: package myhelloworld-1.0: completed
Line 243: Line 246:
Now that no errors were thrown we are happily done!
== Adding Your Application to the Image ==
== Adding Your Application to the Image ==

Revision as of 12:07, 7 May 2008



本頁內容主要是教您如何將你撰寫的應用程式程式碼 (或者範例程式) 涵蓋到你的rootf。這篇文章屬於綜合性的文章,這篇文章的內容是綜合了MokoMakefileUsing a local overlay建立Hello World 應用程式自目前的原始碼中建立。 因此,你可以看到本篇文章的目地是做一個最通透的介紹,它會為你帶來應用程式的概念。


make update-makefile

本份文件的內容相當的基本,我相當的喜愛MokoMakefile--它實在是很奇妙的工具。它的發明者目前仍為它進行很多維護的工作。我找不到任何一個不使用它的原因。我把我的Openmoko 開發環境目錄放在 /home/bryce/mokodev/ 目錄下,它目前運做的也相當良好。你也可以使用相同的方式,或者是你可以將它放在任何你喜歡的使用者目錄之下(或者是系統下的任何地方)。




如果你並不暸解本機的架構,那就讓我花一點時間來解釋。本機架構指的就是身為程式開發人員,將你的本機檔案放在OE style安裝下,讓你可以能輕鬆的將更新的程式放進你的樹狀目錄下。你可以將你的架構樹(overlay tree)放進bitbake 安裝,這樣就可以在你呼叫bitbake時,它將會在進入OE或者是Openmoko樹時,先行置入。這樣可以讓事情都保持組織完整及運做,並且允許使用MokoMakefile在你的應用程式中建立/rebuild/。 感謝User:CesarB針對本頁的付出。


  • 建立一個 "本機" 目錄,及它的子目錄,(在你的root moko 目錄下,會出現$OMDIR 指示)
mkdir local local/conf local/classes local/packages local/packages/images local/packages/tasks -p
  • 從openmoko樹狀目錄下複製 site.conflocal/conf路徑。
cp build/conf/site.conf local/conf/site.conf
  • 編輯你複製檔案的local/conf/site.conf 路徑,並且為bitbake recipes建立一源碼目錄。
NOTE: 我必須編輯 build/conf/site.conf 檔案,以避免 "no provider of build target" 錄誤發生。

我想它會產生一個 export BBPATH的問題,在接下來的操作中-Flerchjj

將目前的BBFILES 修改為如下內容:

BBFILES := "${OMDIR}/openembedded/packages/*/*.bb ${OMDIR}/oe/packages/*/*.bb ${OMDIR}/local/packages/*/*.bb"


BBFILE_COLLECTIONS = "upstream local overlay"


BBFILE_PATTERN_overlay = "^${OMDIR}/local/"


BBFILE_PRIORITY_overlay = "20"

BBFILE_PRIORITY 參數必須在檔案中較其它的參數為重要。 should be greater than all the other BBFILE_PRIORITY 。 請確認在名為BBFILE_COLLECTIONS內有BBFILE_PRIORITY_* 及BBFILE_PATTERN_* f。舉個例子來說,你只定義了上列的內容,即會減少 BBFILE_COLLECTIONS 到架構中。

  • 變更 BBPATH 環境變數,加入新的架構樹到setup-env 檔案前。 Bitbake看起來只會使用它找到的第一個 site.conf 檔案。 setup-env 是由 MokoMakefile 自動建立的。而它位於 ${OMDIR} 目錄下。

滙出 BBPATH="${OMDIR}/local:${OMDIR}/build:${OMDIR}/oe:${OMDIR}/openembedded"


變更 conf/ 檔案

要變更 conf/ 中的檔案,只要將檔案複製到架構目錄中(保留目錄結構) 並且編輯它。

變更 classes/ 下的檔案



變更套件有點小小的複雜。你必須將它複製起來 (or symlink) 而不是只針對套件複製.bb的檔案,同時也必須複製 所有 requireFILESDIR 目錄。(所有對應到 FILESDIR下的目錄,通常被命名為 package-version 或者是or files)。如果你忘記了他們其中的一個,build 會給你錯誤訊息(這也會發生在傳送FILESDIR時,或者當你試著建立 FILESDIR 目錄時發生)。


你可以藉由在架構中建立它來加入新的套裝軟體 ( 或者為新版的套裝軟體加入 recipe )。


要建立你自己的映像檔的話,我們會使用 openmoko .bb 檔案,並且修改它。當你看到 scaredycat 用其它的東西取代掉它,以驗證你自己的映像檔。

編輯local/packages/images/ 並且貼入如下的內容:


IMAGE_INSTALL += "task-openmoko-debug"


# OpenMoko Image Recipe

export IMAGE_BASENAME = "${PN}"
export IMAGE_LINGUAS = ""

export IMAGE_INSTALL = "\
  task-openmoko-linux \
  task-openmoko-net \
  task-openmoko-ui \
  task-openmoko-base \
  task-openmoko-phone \
  task-openmoko-games \
  task-openmoko-pim \
  task-openmoko-scaredycat \

inherit image


ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += 'date "+%m%d%H%M%Y" >${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/timestamp'

編輯 local/packages/tasks/ - 這裡是我們想要在映像檔中放入想要的東西的目錄位置。這個範例包括了 scummvmkbdd。如果你修改了這個檔案,請確定你藉由每次增加它的次數的方法,更新 PR

DESCRIPTION = "OpenMoko: Scaredycat Additions"
SECTION = "openmoko/base"
LICENSE = "original"
PR = "r2"

inherit task

RDEPENDS_task-openmoko-scaredycat = "\
  scummvm \
  kbdd \


To build you image, which will be located with your other images, do the following:

# cd build ; . ../setup-env ; bitbake scaredycat-openmoko-devel-image


我知道我己經說過我有一支 GDK 程式,但是,我希望能讓這個課程完成,並且讓各位可以先著手開始寫程式,而不是看著我如何寫程式。

這是一支很簡單的 CLI hello world。


一個好的程式人員在寫程式時,是會有明確的想法,並且知道自己是朝向對的開發方向。 現在將目錄變更到local/packages ,下方的指令會希望你是在這個目錄下執行: 你會希望用你的程式名稱做為目錄名稱,及使用檔案名稱做為子目錄的名稱。

 mkdir myhelloworld myhelloworld/files

現在,你會想要在files 目錄下建立兩個檔案。

 touch myhelloworld/files/README.txt myhelloworld/files/myhelloworld.c

最後,你會想要建立一個bitbake file。

 touch myhelloworld/


 +- $OMDIR (contains the official openmoko tree)
 |  +- local/
 |     +- packages/
 |        +- myhelloworld/
 |           +-
 |           +- files/
 |              +- myhelloworld.c
 |              +- README.txt

你的目錄結構會像上述結構,如果你的目錄樹並沒有如上的型態,請修復你的目錄樹。===填入檔案 ===



#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        printf("Ello Poppet!\n");
        return 0;


This is a command line application. It prints a simple Hello World! To stdout.

DESCRIPTION = "A killer hello world application"
AUTHOR = "Bryce Leo"
SECTION = "console/applications"
PRIORITY = "optional"
#SRCDATE = "20070729"
#PV = "0.1"
#PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = "file://myhelloworld.c \
          file://README.txt "

S = "${WORKDIR}/myhelloworld/"

do_compile() {
        ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${WORKDIR}/myhelloworld.c -o myhelloworld

do_install() {
        install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}${docdir}/myhelloworld
        install -m 0755 ${S}/myhelloworld ${D}${bindir}
        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/README.txt ${D}${docdir}/myhelloworld


MokoMakefile現在已經很容易操作了,現在切換到 ${OMDIR} 目錄下,你會看到 Makefile 放置的地方。
make build-package-myhelloworld

(請確定你在建立你的軟體前至少執行了make openmoko-devel-image 一次。)


NOTE: package myhelloworld-1.0: completed
NOTE: build 200707291926: completed
Build statistics:
  Attempted builds: 1


Adding Your Application to the Image

So you've had an idea, you've setup the build environment, you've setup your local overlay, you've laid out your application tree, you've put code into those fantastic files of yours and now it compiles.There's only one thing left to do. Add that application to your image.

Now lets go over in words and whys what we're about to do. First we need to make modify the ${OMDIR}/build/conf/local.conf. We add in the variable DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS and set its value to include myhelloworld. If you'd like to include other packages from your own overlay or the OM tree just add them inseparated by spaces. After this gets added as a dependency to build the Distro (in this case OpenMoko). Now we have to re-build the task-base package. This essentially just generates an ipk file that will "Merge machine and distro options to create a basic machine task/package." It pretty much builds a file with a list of packages to be installed that are required for the distro to work correctly. So then you just go through and make openmoko-devel-image, build-qemu, flash-qemu-local, and run-qemu. Then calibrate your stylus, head over to the terminal, and run your application!

Modifying Your local.conf

Now, go into your build config directory ${OMDIR}/build/conf/ and now you'll be editing local.conf Add this line to you local.conf

 DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "myhelloworld"

With this line you can also include other applications from the OE tree. For instance my local.conf looks like this.

MACHINE = "fic-gta01"
DISTRO = "openmoko"
BUILD_ARCH = "i686"
SRCDATE_eds-dbus = "now"
DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "lua dillo myhelloworld"

Now that you've fixed your local.conf it's time to go through all the necessary tasks to add and re-build you image and have your sweet package included.


Now come the easy part thanks to MokoMakefile.

 make rebuild-package-task-base
 make openmoko-devel-image
 make build-qemu
 make flash-qemu-local

Now all you have to do is run qemu.

 make run-qemu

From here after you calibrate your stylus, you click on the Menu in the top right, click down to terminal, then just run your program.

root@fic-gta02:/$ myhelloworld
Ello Poppet!

Adding Python scripts as applications

This is for adding python scripts/packages to the image for your own use.

First steps

First, you need to modify the local.conf file as described above. You need to modify

 DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "myhelloworld"


 DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "myhelloworld python"

--xkr47 18:21, 11 August 2007 (CEST) Hmm surely the new line should be DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "pyhelloworld python" instead since the package we create below is pyhelloworld..

This is because python is not included by default in the openmoko image. Or you can use python-pygtk2 if you wish.

Next, you need to perform these actions from the $OMDIR/local directory.

 mkdir packages/pyhelloworld packages/pyhelloworld/files
 touch packages/pyhelloworld/files/pyhello packages/pyhelloworld/README.txt
 touch packages/pyhelloworld/

Filling in the files

Now, edit packages/pyhelloworld/files/pyhello to contain:


print "hello world!"
print "shutting down now. Farewell oh cruel, cruel world!"

Next up, is editing packages/pyhelloworld/files/README.txt to say:

 This is the most awesome helloworld application ever. Know why? It has SNAKES!

Kidding aside, next is the all important packages/pyhelloworld/

DESCRIPTION = "A pythonic hello world application"
AUTHOR = "Tyler Laing"
SECTION = "console/applications"
PRIORITY = "optional"
#SRCDATE = "20070729"
#PV = "0.1"
#PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = "file://pyhello \
          file://README.txt "

S = "${WORKDIR}/pyhelloworld/"

do_install() {
        install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}${docdir}/pyhelloworld
        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/pyhello ${D}${bindir}
        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/README.txt ${D}${docdir}/pyhelloworld

I'll explain each of the parts right here, for future reference.

Meanings of variables in .bb files

 $WORKDIR = $OMDIR/local/packages/<application directory>
 $bindir  = $OMDIR/build/tmp/work/armv4t-linux/<application directory>/image/usr/bin
 $docir   = $OMDIR/build/tmp/work/armv4t-linux/<application directory>/image/usr/share/doc
 $D       = $OMDIR/build/

Final steps

Complete the last steps as per the above instructions, from the point of altering DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS.

And you're done!


本頁內容主要是教您如何將你撰寫的應用程式程式碼 (或者範例程式) 涵蓋到你的rootf。這篇文章屬於綜合性的文章,這篇文章的內容是綜合了MokoMakefileUsing a local overlay建立Hello World 應用程式自目前的原始碼中建立。 因此,你可以看到本篇文章的目地是做一個最通透的介紹,它會為你帶來應用程式的概念。


make update-makefile

本份文件的內容相當的基本,我相當的喜愛MokoMakefile--它實在是很奇妙的工具。它的發明者目前仍為它進行很多維護的工作。我找不到任何一個不使用它的原因。我把我的Openmoko 開發環境目錄放在 /home/bryce/mokodev/ 目錄下,它目前運做的也相當良好。你也可以使用相同的方式,或者是你可以將它放在任何你喜歡的使用者目錄之下(或者是系統下的任何地方)。




如果你並不暸解本機的架構,那就讓我花一點時間來解釋。本機架構指的就是身為程式開發人員,將你的本機檔案放在OE style安裝下,讓你可以能輕鬆的將更新的程式放進你的樹狀目錄下。你可以將你的架構樹(overlay tree)放進bitbake 安裝,這樣就可以在你呼叫bitbake時,它將會在進入OE或者是Openmoko樹時,先行置入。這樣可以讓事情都保持組織完整及運做,並且允許使用MokoMakefile在你的應用程式中建立/rebuild/。 感謝User:CesarB針對本頁的付出。


  • 建立一個 "本機" 目錄,及它的子目錄,(在你的root moko 目錄下,會出現$OMDIR 指示)
mkdir local local/conf local/classes local/packages local/packages/images local/packages/tasks -p
  • 從openmoko樹狀目錄下複製 site.conflocal/conf路徑。
cp build/conf/site.conf local/conf/site.conf
  • 編輯你複製檔案的local/conf/site.conf 路徑,並且為bitbake recipes建立一源碼目錄。
NOTE: 我必須編輯 build/conf/site.conf 檔案,以避免 "no provider of build target" 錄誤發生。

我想它會產生一個 export BBPATH的問題,在接下來的操作中-Flerchjj

將目前的BBFILES 修改為如下內容:

BBFILES := "${OMDIR}/openembedded/packages/*/*.bb ${OMDIR}/oe/packages/*/*.bb ${OMDIR}/local/packages/*/*.bb"


BBFILE_COLLECTIONS = "upstream local overlay"


BBFILE_PATTERN_overlay = "^${OMDIR}/local/"


BBFILE_PRIORITY_overlay = "20"

BBFILE_PRIORITY 參數必須在檔案中較其它的參數為重要。 should be greater than all the other BBFILE_PRIORITY 。 請確認在名為BBFILE_COLLECTIONS內有BBFILE_PRIORITY_* 及BBFILE_PATTERN_* f。舉個例子來說,你只定義了上列的內容,即會減少 BBFILE_COLLECTIONS 到架構中。

  • 變更 BBPATH 環境變數,加入新的架構樹到setup-env 檔案前。 Bitbake看起來只會使用它找到的第一個 site.conf 檔案。 setup-env 是由 MokoMakefile 自動建立的。而它位於 ${OMDIR} 目錄下。

滙出 BBPATH="${OMDIR}/local:${OMDIR}/build:${OMDIR}/oe:${OMDIR}/openembedded"


變更 conf/ 檔案

要變更 conf/ 中的檔案,只要將檔案複製到架構目錄中(保留目錄結構) 並且編輯它。

變更 classes/ 下的檔案



變更套件有點小小的複雜。你必須將它複製起來 (or symlink) 而不是只針對套件複製.bb的檔案,同時也必須複製 所有 requireFILESDIR 目錄。(所有對應到 FILESDIR下的目錄,通常被命名為 package-version 或者是or files)。如果你忘記了他們其中的一個,build 會給你錯誤訊息(這也會發生在傳送FILESDIR時,或者當你試著建立 FILESDIR 目錄時發生)。


你可以藉由在架構中建立它來加入新的套裝軟體 ( 或者為新版的套裝軟體加入 recipe )。


要建立你自己的映像檔的話,我們會使用 openmoko .bb 檔案,並且修改它。當你看到 scaredycat 用其它的東西取代掉它,以驗證你自己的映像檔。

編輯local/packages/images/ 並且貼入如下的內容:


IMAGE_INSTALL += "task-openmoko-debug"


# OpenMoko Image Recipe

export IMAGE_BASENAME = "${PN}"
export IMAGE_LINGUAS = ""

export IMAGE_INSTALL = "\
  task-openmoko-linux \
  task-openmoko-net \
  task-openmoko-ui \
  task-openmoko-base \
  task-openmoko-phone \
  task-openmoko-games \
  task-openmoko-pim \
  task-openmoko-scaredycat \

inherit image


ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += 'date "+%m%d%H%M%Y" >${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/timestamp'

編輯 local/packages/tasks/ - 這裡是我們想要在映像檔中放入想要的東西的目錄位置。這個範例包括了 scummvmkbdd。如果你修改了這個檔案,請確定你藉由每次增加它的次數的方法,更新 PR

DESCRIPTION = "OpenMoko: Scaredycat Additions"
SECTION = "openmoko/base"
LICENSE = "original"
PR = "r2"

inherit task

RDEPENDS_task-openmoko-scaredycat = "\
  scummvm \
  kbdd \


To build you image, which will be located with your other images, do the following:

# cd build ; . ../setup-env ; bitbake scaredycat-openmoko-devel-image

Your First Application

I know that I said I'd have a GDK application in here, however, I'd really like to get this whole course done first and have you guys starting to code instead of just looking at what I've written!

This will be a very simple CLI hello world.

Before We Code

Like a good coder you want to make sure that you're not just doing things, but that you're doing them the right way!

Now change directories into your local/packages directory.The following commands expect you'll be in that directory so don't change unless you know what you're doing!

You'll want to make a directory with the name of your application, and a subdirectory called files.

 mkdir myhelloworld myhelloworld/files

Now you'll want to create two files in the files directory

 touch myhelloworld/files/README.txt myhelloworld/files/myhelloworld.c

And finally you'll want to create a bitbake file.

 touch myhelloworld/

Alrighty now all your necessary files are created so lets go over this real quick.

 +- $OMDIR (contains the official openmoko tree)
 |  +- local/
 |     +- packages/
 |        +- myhelloworld/
 |           +-
 |           +- files/
 |              +- myhelloworld.c
 |              +- README.txt

That should be your structure, if it's not you should go and fix it up.

Filling the Files

So you've got your sample files all laid out now it's time to make them actually do something.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        printf("Ello Poppet!\n");
        return 0;


This is a command line application. It prints a simple Hello World! To stdout.

DESCRIPTION = "A killer hello world application"
AUTHOR = "Bryce Leo"
SECTION = "console/applications"
PRIORITY = "optional"
#SRCDATE = "20070729"
#PV = "0.1"
#PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = "file://myhelloworld.c \
          file://README.txt "

S = "${WORKDIR}/myhelloworld/"

do_compile() {
        ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${WORKDIR}/myhelloworld.c -o myhelloworld

do_install() {
        install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}${docdir}/myhelloworld
        install -m 0755 ${S}/myhelloworld ${D}${bindir}
        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/README.txt ${D}${docdir}/myhelloworld

Your First Compilation

This is where the MokoMakefile comes in very very handy. Change to your ${OMDIR} directory, You'll know it by the fact that it is where Makefile resides.

make build-package-myhelloworld

(make sure you run make openmoko-devel-image at least once before building your own packages)

This should all come back and not return any error messages, The output should end in something similar to

NOTE: package myhelloworld-1.0: completed
NOTE: build 200707291926: completed
Build statistics:
  Attempted builds: 1

Now that no errors were thrown we are happily done!

Adding Your Application to the Image

So you've had an idea, you've setup the build environment, you've setup your local overlay, you've laid out your application tree, you've put code into those fantastic files of yours and now it compiles.There's only one thing left to do. Add that application to your image.

Now lets go over in words and whys what we're about to do. First we need to make modify the ${OMDIR}/build/conf/local.conf. We add in the variable DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS and set its value to include myhelloworld. If you'd like to include other packages from your own overlay or the OM tree just add them inseparated by spaces. After this gets added as a dependency to build the Distro (in this case OpenMoko). Now we have to re-build the task-base package. This essentially just generates an ipk file that will "Merge machine and distro options to create a basic machine task/package." It pretty much builds a file with a list of packages to be installed that are required for the distro to work correctly. So then you just go through and make openmoko-devel-image, build-qemu, flash-qemu-local, and run-qemu. Then calibrate your stylus, head over to the terminal, and run your application!

Modifying Your local.conf

Now, go into your build config directory ${OMDIR}/build/conf/ and now you'll be editing local.conf Add this line to you local.conf

 DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "myhelloworld"

With this line you can also include other applications from the OE tree. For instance my local.conf looks like this.

MACHINE = "fic-gta01"
DISTRO = "openmoko"
BUILD_ARCH = "i686"
SRCDATE_eds-dbus = "now"
DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "lua dillo myhelloworld"

Now that you've fixed your local.conf it's time to go through all the necessary tasks to add and re-build you image and have your sweet package included.


Now come the easy part thanks to MokoMakefile.

 make rebuild-package-task-base
 make openmoko-devel-image
 make build-qemu
 make flash-qemu-local

Now all you have to do is run qemu.

 make run-qemu

From here after you calibrate your stylus, you click on the Menu in the top right, click down to terminal, then just run your program.

root@fic-gta02:/$ myhelloworld
Ello Poppet!

Adding Python scripts as applications

This is for adding python scripts/packages to the image for your own use.

First steps

First, you need to modify the local.conf file as described above. You need to modify

 DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "myhelloworld"


 DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "myhelloworld python"

--xkr47 18:21, 11 August 2007 (CEST) Hmm surely the new line should be DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "pyhelloworld python" instead since the package we create below is pyhelloworld..

This is because python is not included by default in the openmoko image. Or you can use python-pygtk2 if you wish.

Next, you need to perform these actions from the $OMDIR/local directory.

 mkdir packages/pyhelloworld packages/pyhelloworld/files
 touch packages/pyhelloworld/files/pyhello packages/pyhelloworld/README.txt
 touch packages/pyhelloworld/

Filling in the files

Now, edit packages/pyhelloworld/files/pyhello to contain:


print "hello world!"
print "shutting down now. Farewell oh cruel, cruel world!"

Next up, is editing packages/pyhelloworld/files/README.txt to say:

 This is the most awesome helloworld application ever. Know why? It has SNAKES!

Kidding aside, next is the all important packages/pyhelloworld/

DESCRIPTION = "A pythonic hello world application"
AUTHOR = "Tyler Laing"
SECTION = "console/applications"
PRIORITY = "optional"
#SRCDATE = "20070729"
#PV = "0.1"
#PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = "file://pyhello \
          file://README.txt "

S = "${WORKDIR}/pyhelloworld/"

do_install() {
        install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}${docdir}/pyhelloworld
        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/pyhello ${D}${bindir}
        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/README.txt ${D}${docdir}/pyhelloworld

I'll explain each of the parts right here, for future reference.

Meanings of variables in .bb files

 $WORKDIR = $OMDIR/local/packages/<application directory>
 $bindir  = $OMDIR/build/tmp/work/armv4t-linux/<application directory>/image/usr/bin
 $docir   = $OMDIR/build/tmp/work/armv4t-linux/<application directory>/image/usr/share/doc
 $D       = $OMDIR/build/

Final steps

Complete the last steps as per the above instructions, from the point of altering DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS.

And you're done!