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About Me

I live in DuBois, PA.

I'm currently working part time as the Assistant to the CTO at DuBois Business College.

I'm a Gentoo geek.

Mark Montgomery II

Web Site:

Web Site at home:

TWiki at Web Site at home:


My Portable Stuff

  • Work Laptop: Compaq V5101US dual booting Gentoo and Windows XP (that I rarely need to use fortunately)
  • Personal Laptop: ZaReason UltraLapSR dual booting Gentoo and Windows XP (recently installed in preparation for some upcoming games)
  • Cell Phone: Neo Freerunner
  • Cell Provider: At&T Prepaid ($.20/minute - put $25 in account every 90 days)
  • Media Player: Cowon iAudio X5 dual booting RockBox and original firmware (that I rarely use since RockBox is just plain awesome)
  • GPS: Garmin Etrex
  • WiFi Scanner: Zyxel AG-225H WiFi Scanner/USB Adapter (uses the zd1211 driver) - I also use this as my WNIC for my work laptop most of the time since the internal antenna doesn't see the AP very reliably from my desk in the corner.

My Interest in OpenMoko/Neo1973


I think FLOSS should be used wherever possible and I love the idea of a fully open phone.

I don't appreciate companies that use FLOSS in their devices yet restrict the user from doing anything, thus showing a lack of respect for the community and philosophies of the software they are profiting from.

Web Device

I have recently started looking into WiFi web devices, and the Neo1973 Phase2 should be perfect (assuming WiFi is fully up and running for it).

SIP Phone

I want to use it as a WiFi SIP phone as soon as there's a client written for it (the idea of using it as a SIP handset for the computer is interesting to me as well).  :)

Ideally it should be running a SIP client with SRTP/ZRTP capabilities for secure communications.


Assuming a good interface is made for it, it should make a much nicer (not to mention just plain cooler) GPS device than my old Etrex.

My ideal would be a program with multiple tabs/pages with varying info.

  • Map/Driving directions page.
  • GPS info page - current coordinates and elevation and such.
  • Movement info page - current heading and speed and such.
  • More?

Maybe configurable to be able to set how many pages and what is on each page?

Wireless Network Analysis

Wardriving/Warwalking! (or just plain Wireless LAN mapping/troubleshooting in general)

(Come on, admit that you've all been thinking the same thing!)

Since it's running a good WiFi chipset and gpsd already, I'm assuming it would be trivial for someone in the know to port kismet to it.

And of course make sure it works with gpsd and the GPS interface program.

No more driving/walking around with a laptop and GPS for wardriving/warwalking or testing out your corporate WLAN - Just fire up your Neo1973 and go!

Cell Phone

I'm now using my Freerunner as my cell phone on AT&T prepaid. My old one is soon to be cancelled.

Document Reader

I would like to use it as a document reader as well.

Primarily for PDF and TXT, but of course other formats (ODF?) would be great.

Media Player

If the quality is good, I might consider using it as a media player (ogg of course!) if I can get a nice big card for it.

My OGG collection is a bit under 4GB as I recall.

Wall/Car Charger

I picked up an ezGear PowerBullet 2x2 - 2 port Wall/Car USB charger.

It is rated at 5v 1A.

It appears to put out 500mA per port (so reports the Freerunner).

It does not appear to be a "smart" USB device as the Freerunner does not go into fast charge mode when connected to it (it goes into 100mA mode, which as we all know is pretty much useless), so you have to force fast charging to get a 500mA charge going.

This is a minor inconvenience compared to the convenience of having a Wall/Car charger always on hand (just don't forget to have your USB cable on you!).

Openmoko Projects


I wrote a small pygtk application to switch USB Modes on the Freerunner.

You can read my blog entry about it here or directly download the archive here.

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