Phone Prefixes
From Openmoko
This page will eventually include all the prefixes you use for your countries (and service providers) in /etc/phone-utils.conf.
At first it'll be useful for other users, but when it'll be big enough we'll be able to set it up automatically according to your country.
Just fix this list according to your country info.
This is *only* about numbers that may show up on inbound call like
+49 179 345345
but you were lazy and didn't fill in the full number in your contacts, like
0 179 345345
So the idea is phone-utils expands your contacts number to match the inbound call number. Any "*" won't help here at all as it will not show up on the inbound number, and any
0011(Voice_calls)0015 (Fax_calls_- Telstra)
entry as well won't help as you probably won't see faxcalls inbound either (or at least you had that code stored together with the actual number in your contacts then)
Use a '|' (pipe) in order to split between multiple options for that specific field. The leftmost option in each pipe chain is the default option.
IMPORTANT:--Tom Hacohen 18:35, 3 October 2009 (UTC) This list was generated from using sed, it may have errors, please verify your country has exactly the 4 segments required (i.e one '=' sign and 2 ',' sign)
(NOTICE: don't forget to add a single space before each line you enter)
List of countries
#Format: Country_Name = Country_Code, International_Prefix, National_Prefix Afghanistan = 93, 00, 0 Albania = 355, 00, 0 Algeria = 213, 00, 7 American_Samoa = 1684, 011, 1 Andorra = 376, 00, Angola = 244, 00, 0 Anguilla = 1264, 011, 1 Antarctica = 672, , Antigua = 1268, 011, 1 Argentina = 54, 00, 0 Armenia = 374, 00, 8 Aruba = 297, 00, Ascension = 247, 00, Australia = 61, 0011|0015|0018|0019, 0 Australian_External_Territories = 672, 00, 0 Austria = 43, 00, 0 Azerbaijan = 994, 00, 8 Bahamas = 1242, 011, 1 Bahrain = 973, 00, Bangladesh = 880, 00, 0 Barbados = 1246, 011, 1 Barbuda = 1268, 011, 1 Belarus = 375, 810, 8 Belgium = 32, 00, 0 Belize = 501, 00, 0 Benin = 229, 00, Bermuda = 1441, 011, 1 Bhutan = 975, 00, Bolivia = 591, 0010|0011|0012|0013, 010|011|012|013 Bosnia = 387, 00, 0 Herzegovina = 387, 00, 0 Botswana = 267, 00, Brazil = 55, 0014|0015|0021|0023|0031, 014|015|021|023|031|0 British_Virgin_Islands = 1284, 011, 1 Brunei_Darussalam = 673, 00, 0 Bulgaria = 359, 00, 0 Burkina_Faso = 226, 00, Burundi = 257, 00, Cambodia = 855, 001, 0 Cameroon = 237, 00, Canada = 1, 011, 1 Cape_Verde_Islands = 238, 0, Cayman_Islands = 1345, 011, 1 Central_African_Republic = 236, 00, Chad = 235, 15, Chatham_Island_(New_Zealand) = 64, 00, Chile = 56, 00, 0 China, 86, 00, 0 Christmas_Island = 61-8, 0011, 0 Cocos_Keeling_Islands = 61, 0011, 0 Colombia = 57, 005|007|009|#555|#999, 03|05|07|09 Comoros = 269, 00, Congo = 242, 00, Zaire = 243, 00, Cook_Islands = 682, 00, 00 Costa_Rica = 506, 00, Ivory_Coast = 225 , 00, 0 Croatia = 385, 00, 0 Cuba = 53, 119, 0 Cuba_(Guantanamo_Bay) = 5399, 00, 0 Curaçao = 599, 00, Cyprus = 357, 00, Czech_Republic = 420, 00, Denmark = 45, 00, Diego_Garcia = 246, 00, Djibouti = 253, 00, Dominica = 1767, 011, 1 Dominican_Republic = 1809|1829 , 011, 1 East_Timor = 670, 00, Easter_Island = 56, 00, Ecuador = 593 , 00, 0 Egypt = 20, 00, 0 El_Salvador = 503, 00|144, Ellipso(Mobile_Satellite_service) = 8812, 8813, 00, EMSAT_(Mobile_Satellite_service) = 88213, , Equatorial_Guinea = 240, 00, Eritrea = 291, 00, 0 Estonia = 372, 00, 0 Ethiopia = 251, 00, 0 Falkland_Islands_(Malvinas) = 500, 00, Faroe_Islands = 298, 00, Fiji_Islands = 679, 00, Finland = 358, 00|990|994|999, 0 France = 33, 00|40|50|70|90, 0 French_Antilles = 596, 00, French_Guiana = 594, 00, French_Polynesia = 689, 00, Gabonese_Republic = 241, 00, Gambia = 220, 00, Georgia = 995, 810, 8 Germany = 49, 00 , 0 Ghana = 233, 00, Gibraltar = 350, 00, Global_Mobile_Satellite_System_(GMSS) = 881|8810|8811|8812|8813|8816|8817|8818|8819, 00, Globalstar(Mobile_Satellite_Service) = 8818|8819, 00, Greece = 30, 00 , Greenland = 299, 00, Grenada = 1473, 011, 1 Guadeloupe = 590, 00, Guam = 1671, 011, 1 Guantanamo_Bay = 5399, 00, 0 Guatemala = 502, 00|130|147, Guinea-Bissau = 245, 00, Guinea = 224, 00, 0 Guyana = 592, 001, 0 Haiti = 509, 00, 0 Honduras = 504, 00, 0 Hong_Kong = 852, 001|0080|009, Hungary = 36, 00, 06 ICO_Global(Mobile_Satellite_Service) = 8810|8811, 00, Iceland = 354 , 00, 0 India = 91, 00 , 0 Indonesia = 62, 001|007|017, 0 Inmarsat, 870, 00, Inmarsat(Atlantic_Ocean_- East) = 871, 00, Inmarsat(Atlantic_Ocean_- West) = 874, 00, Inmarsat(Indian_Ocean) = 873, 00, Inmarsat(Pacific_Ocean) = 872, 00, International_Freephone_Service = 800, , International_Shared_Cost_Service_(ISCS) = 808, , Iran = 98, 00, 0 Iraq = 964, 00, 0 Ireland = 353, 00|048, 0 Iridium(Mobile_Satellite_service) = 8816|8817, 00, Israel = 972, 00|012|013|014, 0 Italy = 39, 00, Jamaica = 1876, 011, 1 Japan = 81, 001|010|0061|0041, 0 Jordan = 962, 00, 0 Kazakhstan = 7, 810, 8 Kenya = 254, 000|006|007, 0 Kiribati = 686, 00, 0 Korea_(North) = 850, 00, 0 Korea_(South) = 82, 001|002|00700, 0|082 Kuwait = 965, 00, 0 Kyrgyz_Republic = 996, 00, 0 Laos = 856, 00, 0 Latvia = 371, 00, Lebanon = 961, 00, 0 Lesotho = 266, 00, 0 Liberia = 231, 00, 22 Libya = 218, 00, 0 Liechtenstein = 423, 00, Lithuania = 370, 00, 8 Luxembourg = 352, 00, Macao = 853, 00, 0 Macedonia = 389, 00, 0 Madagascar = 261, 00, 0 Malawi = 265, 00, Malaysia = 60, 00, 0 Maldives = 960, 00, 0 Mali_Republic = 223, 00, 0 Malta = 356, 00, 21 Marshall_Islands = 692, 011, 1 Martinique = 596, 00, 0 Mauritania = 222, 00, 0 Mauritius = 230, 020, 0 Mayotte_Island = 269, 00, Mexico = 52, 00, 01 Micronesia = 691, 011, 1 Midway_Island = 1808, 011, 1 Moldova = 373, 00, 0 Monaco = 377, 00, 0 Mongolia = 976, 001, 0 Montenegro = 382, 99, 0 Montserrat = 1664, 011, 1 Morocco = 212, 00, Mozambique = 258, 00, 0 Myanmar = 95, 00, Namibia = 264, 00, 0 Nauru = 674, 00, 0 Nepal = 977, 00, 0 Netherlands = 31, 00, 0 Netherlands_Antilles = 599, 00, 0 Nevis = 1869, 011, 1 New_Caledonia = 687, 00, 0 New_Zealand = 64, 00, 0 Nicaragua = 505, 00, 0 Niger = 227, 00, 0 Nigeria = 234 , 009, 0 Niue = 683, 00, 0 Norfolk_Island = 672, 00, Saipan = 1670, 011, 1 Rota = 1670, 011, 1 Tinian = 1670, 011, 1 Norway = 47, 00, Oman = 968, 00, 0 Pakistan = 92, 00, 0 Palau = 680, 011, Palestinian_Settlements = 970, 00, 0 Panama = 507, 00|088|055|, 0 Papua_New_Guinea = 675, 05, Paraguay = 595, 002, 0 Peru = 51, 00, 0 Philippines = 63, 00, 0 Poland = 48, 00, 0 Portugal = 351, 00|882, Puerto_Rico = 1787|1939, 011, 1 Qatar = 974 , 00, 0 Réunion_Island = 262, 00, 0 Romania = 40, 00|022, 0 Russia = 7, 810, 8 Rwandese_Republic = 250, 00, 0 St. Helena = 290, 00, St. Kitts/Nevis = 1869, 011, 1 St. Lucia = 1758, 011, 1 St. Pierre_& Miquelon = 508, 00, 0 St. Vincent_& Grenadines = 1784, 011, 1 Samoa = 685, 0, 0 San_Marino = 378, 00, 0 São_Tomé and_Principe = 239, 00, 0 Saudi_Arabia = 966, 00, 0 Senegal_ = 221, 00, 0 Serbia = 381, 99, 0 Seychelles_Republic = 248, 00, 0 Sierra_Leone = 232, 00, 0 Singapore = 65, 001|002|008|012|013|018|019, Slovak_Republic = 421, 00, 0 Slovenia = 386, 00, 0 Solomon_Islands = 677, 00, Somali_Democratic_Republic = 252, 00, South_Africa = 27, 00, 0 Spain = 34, 00, Sri_Lanka = 94, 00, 0 Sudan = 249, 00, 0 Suriname = 597, 00, Swaziland = 268, 00, Sweden = 46, 00, 0 Switzerland = 41, 00, 0 Syria = 963, 00, 0 Taiwan = 886, 002, Tajikistan = 992, 810, 8 Tanzania = 255, 000|005|006, 0 Thailand = 66, 001|008|009, 0 Thuraya(Mobile_Satellite_service) = 88216, , Timor_Leste = 670, , Togolese_Republic = 228, 00, Tokelau = 690, 00, Tonga_Islands = 676, 00, Trinidad_& Tobago = 1868, 011, 1 Tunisia = 216, 00, 0 Turkey = 90 , 00, 0 Turkmenistan = 993, 810, 8 Turks_and_Caicos_Islands = 1649, 011, 1 Tuvalu = 688, 00, Uganda = 256, 000|005|007, 0 Ukraine = 380, 810, 8 United_Arab_Emirates = 971, 00, 0 United_Kingdom = 44, 00, 0 United_States_of_America = 1, 011, 1 US_Virgin_Islands = 1340, 011, 1 Universal_Personal_Telecommunications_(UPT) = 878, , Uruguay = 598, 00, 0 Uzbekistan = 998, 810, 8 Vanuatu = 678, 00, Vatican_City = 39, 379, 00, Venezuela = 58, 00, 0 Vietnam = 84, 00, 0 Wake_Island = 808, 00, Wallis_and_Futuna_Islands = 681, 19, Yemen = 967, 00, 0 Zambia = 260 , 00, 0 Zanzibar = 255, 000, 0 Zimbabwe = 263 , 00, 0