FSO scripts
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FSO is a great framework. But at the moment, developers are concentrating on the frameworkd daemon. This leaves us (FSO not SHR users) in a bind. So here are some scripts to help your daily life along.
Logging calls
Uses SQLlite to log all your calls - missed, received, dialled out. At the moment, the database is in roots home. This can be moved to a standard place Example use
#Most called numbers sqlite> select msisdn,sum(duration) from call_log where direction=0 group by msisdn order by sum(duration) desc limit 5; 073xxxxxxx|16507.622120142 072xxxxxxx|2735.2764070034 0722xxxxxx|2689.02251005173 0751xxxxxx|1292.24268722534 0721xxxxxx|1139.27544236183
Here's the database schema
sqlite> .schema call_log CREATE TABLE call_log (id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , msisdn text, direction int, duration float, active int, eventtime, int); sqlite>
Here's the script
import dbus import dbus.mainloop import dbus.mainloop.glib import gobject import subprocess import time import sqlite3 starttime=0 seen=0 lastrow=0 def onCallStatus( index, status, properties ): global seen,starttime,lastrow conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/root/.logs.sqlite') c = conn.cursor() print "\n","--"*20,"\n","Index:",index,": Status:",status,": Properties:",properties print "seen:",seen,"Startime:",starttime if status == "incoming": if not seen: print "Incoming",properties sql="insert into call_log (msisdn,direction,duration,active,eventtime) values(?,?,?,?,(SELECT strftime('%s','now')))"; c.execute(sql,(properties['peer'],1,0,0)) sql="SELECT last_insert_rowid()" lastrow=c.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] seen=1 if status == "outgoing": if not seen: print "outgoing",properties sql="insert into call_log (msisdn,direction,duration,active,eventtime) values(?,?,?,?,(SELECT strftime('%s','now')))"; c.execute(sql,(properties['peer'],0,0,0)) sql="SELECT last_insert_rowid()" lastrow=c.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] seen=1 if status == "release": if starttime: sql="update call_log set duration=?, active=? where id=?"; talktime = time.time() - starttime print "Talk time: ",talktime," For row",lastrow c.execute(sql,(talktime,1,lastrow)) starttime=0 seen=0 if status == "active": starttime=time.time() conn.commit() c.close() dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop( set_as_default=True ) mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() bus = dbus.SystemBus() bus.add_signal_receiver( onCallStatus, "CallStatus", "org.freesmartphone.GSM.Call", "org.freesmartphone.ogsmd", "/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device" ) mainloop.run()
Dialing calls
import dbus bus = dbus.SystemBus() ogsmd = bus.get_object( "org.freesmartphone.ogsmd", "/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device" ) Call = dbus.Interface( ogsmd, "org.freesmartphone.GSM.Call" ) print "id", Call.Initiate(number, "voice")
External links
- DBus docs for call methods and signals are here.
External links
- DBus docs for GPS methods and signals are in several pages:
External links
- DBus docs for event methods are here.
External links
- DBus docs for orientation (using accellerometers) are here.