Medical Surveillance and Image Tracking Robot
From Openmoko
Project Title: Medical Surveillance and Image Tracking Robot
Project team members: 陳威廷,黃國軒,羅棋惠
Contact email:
University: Dept. of EE, I-Shou University (義守大學電機系)
Short description:
In this project, the medical surveillance robot records and transmits videos to the video server using Bluetooth. The image server can store the image and relay the video to Neo FreeRunner via WiFi, so doctors can monitor the patient in real-time or view previous conditions of the patient using the recorded video on the video server.
The Neo FreeRunner can control the robot via Wifi in order to see the patient from different angles. We also add GPS to the robot. The GPS information is also transmitted to Neo FreeRunner in order to track the position of the robot.
By using this technology, doctors can not only monitor patients remotely, but also can take care of more patients than previously.
Links to project resources: Not yet available