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This page is for openmoko localization.

Adding UTF-8 input support to e

NOTICE: thanks to great work by Ainulindale, it's already there in shr-unstable, so none of the following steps are needed. Read Localize SHR for a quick introduction.

E input doesn't work without proper locale, therefore you must install and use a utf8 locale. I made a package that creates en_US.utf8 locale and sets it on boot time. if you have any bug fixes/suggestions please let me know. (TAsn)

Package: Locale

What it generally does:

  1. installs all dependencies
  2. installs locale-gen script (took from arch linux and removed a deprecated section)
  3. generates locales
  4. adds the locale to the system by adding a script to profile.d/locale.sh

Known issues: The correct keyboard layout should be loaded before use. Either by a hack like in: xmodmap or by proper layout loading.

According to raster (and verified by me), the e version used by openmoko is old and this was resolved in later versions. Should update the distro's build version.

Localize SHR

On SHR you install the desired locales, rename the folder $HOME/.e and restart X to choose you're locale when asked for it. You can change the locale any time via illume wrench language settings.

opkg install locale-base-XX-YY   # (e.g. locale-base-de-de, locale-base-es-es, ...) 
mv ~/.e ~/.e.bak                 # move e's config cache
/etc/init.d/xserver-nodm restart # restart X and choose your locale

For more information see the SHR User Manual.

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