GSM unit test
From Openmoko
GSM unit test is for testing the interactions between libgsmd-tool and gsmd. Here is a Python script to execute commands via libgsmd-tool. We can write our own test cases to let GSM modem execute AT commands automatically. It allows us to verify GSM basic functions, such like making phone calls, sending SMS, or registering to the network.
This python script is based on Python Expect. Pexpect is a pure Python module for spawning child applications; controlling them; and responding to expected patterns in their output. We use this module to spawn [libgsmd-tool] and then can send commands to GSM modem via gsmd.
Contents |
How to use this python script
- python script [1]
- sample test case [2]
- register the network test case [3]
- dial out test case [4]
- send/receive SMS test case [5]
usage: python -t casename -c libgsmd-tool -m shell -t : testcase file -c : libgsmd-tool -m : atcmd or shell
How to write a test case file
text format
it should be written as below: C:r E:Register,error E:Netreg registered(home network),OK,error From above case, it sends 'r' command to libgsmd-tool and it tries to register the network.
real output from libgsmd-tool
below texts are copied from libgsmd-tool shell mode r # Register EVENT: Netreg searching for network EVENT: Signal Quality: 22 EVENT: Netreg registered (home network) LocationAreaCode = 0x2C27 CellID = 0x498C
how to write expect list to match the result
From above real output from libgsmd-tool, it's very easy to detect the expect behavior. The first expect, it prints the command descriptions. The second expect, we can use some keywords like 'Netreg registered' for this case.
- use ',' for the delimiter
- always put the most matched one on the first element: There can be a lot of matched elements in an expect list. Put this list before using 'error'
- append .EOF and .TIMEOUT elements to the expect list: When it reads the second expect line, it appends these two more elements to the list.
- how to know it's failed or passed: there are 4 cases
- correct: passed
- error: failed
- EOF: failed
- timeout: failed
- script log: It also stores the session log from 'libgsmd-tool', and the default file name is 'script.log'.