From Openmoko
A program to manage your Geocaches.
Cachewolf is a program to manage your Geocaches. Unfortunatly
all info about Cachewolf in German ...
You can download it here:
Install with:
tar -xvzf cachewolf_1.0.1532_freerunner_ewe_gtk2.tar.gz -C
After first start you have to change fontsize in /home/root/cachwolf/prefs.xml with an editor.
For gps use:
<port portname = "../dev/ttySAC1" baud = "9600"/>
<basedir dir = "/media/card/caches/"/>
to your needs where you want to store your cache-profiles. You can copy your cache profiles from your pc version of cachewolf too, so that u don't have to spider with the freerunner ...
Debian Users can use the original Cachwolf Java Version from Install the cacao-java vm first by doing: apt-get install cacao-oj6-jre.