USB Networking

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Neo1973 side

By default Neo1973 has usb0 interface working due to Ethernet gadget (g_ether) compiled into kernel.

Desktop side

Manual method

With the device connected, modprobe usbnet module and configure usb0 interface (as root):

ifconfig usb0 netmask

If your eth0 interface is also in the same 'range' (e.g. then you can do the following:

1. ping the Neo with

# ping -I usb0

2. add a route to your Neo:

# /sbin/route add -host dev usb0

3 log in to the Neo

# ssh root@

If you don't have the necessary modules to get usb0 going, make sure you have the following kernel options enabled:


Both options are available in the Device Drivers -> USB support -> USB Network Adapters. For more info see the usbnet driver homepage.

Automatic method

Took from Hotplugging usbnet post by Marcin 'Hrw' Juszkiewicz.

For Debian or similar distros: Edit /etc/network/interfaces file ():

allow-hotplug usb0
iface usb0 inet static
        post-up iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
        post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
        post-up iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

If you are doing the echo 1 > /proc/... command manually, sudo may not be enough, then you will have to execute it from a sudo bash.

Ubuntu feisty appears to have a bug where ifdown is not run when the interface is unplugged, meaning this only works once after the system is booted. One can patch /etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules, adding a last line:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="remove",             RUN+="/sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile /var/run/network/bogus --startas /sbin/ifdown -- --allow auto $env{INTERFACE}"

and remove the similar remove like earlier.

For Red Hat or similar distros Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/net.hotplug:

After this statement:

    case $INTERFACE in
	# interfaces that are registered after being "up" (?)

Add the following:

		ifconfig usb0 netmask
		route add usb0
		iptables -I INPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT
		iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT
		exit 0

For Gentoo or similar distros:

  • Edit /etc/conf.d/net by adding:
   # Neo1973
   config_usb0=( " netmask" )
  • Create a new init script:
   # cd /etc/init.d
   # ln -s net.lo net.usb0

And now when you connect phone (which has IP) it gets connection to world automatically.

For MacOS X:

there are no files to edit since hotplugging configuration is done automatically by default. Of course, the interface has been initialized once. Install the AJZaurusUSB driver as described on MacOS_X and then open System Preferences / Networks which will show the new interface. Configure for Manual DHC with Host address and Gateway

Connecting to phone

Then ssh root@ with empty password to get into phone.

NOTE: the ssh daemon (dropbear 0.49) on the OpenMoko appears to have a bug when sending the exit status back to the client. From time to time you receive an exit status of 255.

SSH Extras

If you get fed up with typing root@, on your PC edit /etc/hosts and add an entry for 'phone' phone

then edit ~/.ssh/config (or create it) and add

host phone
user root

then all you need to do is type

# ssh phone

You might want to use keys to bypass the login prompt too.

SSH Keys

To generate ssh keys for use as a login mechanism type

ssh-keygen -t rsa

when prompted for a password either hit enter for no password (not really a good idea) or enter a password for this key. ssh into the phone and create ~/.ssh

# mkdir ~/.ssh

then from your PC copy the .pub file to the phone.

# scp ~/.ssh/ phone:.ssh/authorized_keys

You should now be able to ssh directly into the phone.

To disable password logins (after setting up key access) edit /etc/init.d/dropbear and change the following line:




You will need to restart dropbear for this to take effect.

GUI on desktop through SSH

If you need to get the GUI on the phone onto the desktop via usb, you can use ssh as follows

 ssh -l root -X -v

Login, and run openmoko-finger-demo for example, and it will open up on the desktop. To get landscape view, just resize the GUI window on the desktop.

Remote apps on neo

To get desktop apps to show up on your neo, first log in to the phone

 ssh -l root

Then once inside, run:

 DISPLAY=:0 xhost +

After this you can close the ssh session. Back on the desktop computer, run:

 DISPLAY=moko:0 xclock

Note that the xhost command will allow remote applications on to access the X server. It will allow anyone on the desktop machine to access the X server of the neo, including snooping anything you type on it. To disallow remote applications again, run this in the neo:

 DISPLAY=:0 xhost -

Neo1973 side

By default Neo1973 has usb0 interface working due to Ethernet gadget (g_ether) compiled into kernel.

Desktop side

Manual method

With the device connected, modprobe usbnet module and configure usb0 interface (as root):

ifconfig usb0 netmask

If your eth0 interface is also in the same 'range' (e.g. then you can do the following:

1. ping the Neo with

# ping -I usb0

2. add a route to your Neo:

# /sbin/route add -host dev usb0

3 log in to the Neo

# ssh root@

If you don't have the necessary modules to get usb0 going, make sure you have the following kernel options enabled:


Both options are available in the Device Drivers -> USB support -> USB Network Adapters. For more info see the usbnet driver homepage.

Automatic method

Took from Hotplugging usbnet post by Marcin 'Hrw' Juszkiewicz.

For Debian or similar distros: Edit /etc/network/interfaces file ():

allow-hotplug usb0
iface usb0 inet static
        post-up iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
        post-up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
        post-up iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

If you are doing the echo 1 > /proc/... command manually, sudo may not be enough, then you will have to execute it from a sudo bash.

Ubuntu feisty appears to have a bug where ifdown is not run when the interface is unplugged, meaning this only works once after the system is booted. One can patch /etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules, adding a last line:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="remove",             RUN+="/sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile /var/run/network/bogus --startas /sbin/ifdown -- --allow auto $env{INTERFACE}"

and remove the similar remove like earlier.

For Red Hat or similar distros Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/net.hotplug:

After this statement:

    case $INTERFACE in
	# interfaces that are registered after being "up" (?)

Add the following:

		ifconfig usb0 netmask
		route add usb0
		iptables -I INPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT
		iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT
		exit 0

For Gentoo or similar distros:

  • Edit /etc/conf.d/net by adding:
   # Neo1973
   config_usb0=( " netmask" )
  • Create a new init script:
   # cd /etc/init.d
   # ln -s net.lo net.usb0

And now when you connect phone (which has IP) it gets connection to world automatically.

For MacOS X:

there are no files to edit since hotplugging configuration is done automatically by default. Of course, the interface has been initialized once. Install the AJZaurusUSB driver as described on MacOS_X and then open System Preferences / Networks which will show the new interface. Configure for Manual DHC with Host address and Gateway

Connecting to phone

Then ssh root@ with empty password to get into phone.

NOTE: the ssh daemon (dropbear 0.49) on the OpenMoko appears to have a bug when sending the exit status back to the client. From time to time you receive an exit status of 255.

SSH Extras

If you get fed up with typing root@, on your PC edit /etc/hosts and add an entry for 'phone' phone

then edit ~/.ssh/config (or create it) and add

host phone
user root

then all you need to do is type

# ssh phone

You might want to use keys to bypass the login prompt too.

SSH Keys

To generate ssh keys for use as a login mechanism type

ssh-keygen -t rsa

when prompted for a password either hit enter for no password (not really a good idea) or enter a password for this key. ssh into the phone and create ~/.ssh

# mkdir ~/.ssh

then from your PC copy the .pub file to the phone.

# scp ~/.ssh/ phone:.ssh/authorized_keys

You should now be able to ssh directly into the phone.

To disable password logins (after setting up key access) edit /etc/init.d/dropbear and change the following line:




You will need to restart dropbear for this to take effect.

GUI on desktop through SSH

If you need to get the GUI on the phone onto the desktop via usb, you can use ssh as follows

 ssh -l root -X -v

Login, and run openmoko-finger-demo for example, and it will open up on the desktop. To get landscape view, just resize the GUI window on the desktop.

Remote apps on neo

To get desktop apps to show up on your neo, first log in to the phone

 ssh -l root

Then once inside, run:

 DISPLAY=:0 xhost +

After this you can close the ssh session. Back on the desktop computer, run:

 DISPLAY=moko:0 xclock

Note that the xhost command will allow remote applications on to access the X server. It will allow anyone on the desktop machine to access the X server of the neo, including snooping anything you type on it. To disallow remote applications again, run this in the neo:

 DISPLAY=:0 xhost -