Openmoko:Current events
From Openmoko
The main purpose of this page is collecting all sorts of 'events' that are Openmoko related in the whole world. Current Events page provides information of both upcoming and past events where Openmoko had or will have a presence.
See also Community Updates for up to date information: Community Updates Overview
- 2009-07-02/05 LVEE 2009 | The 5th International conference of developers and users of free / open source software “Linux Vacation / Eastern Europe” to be held in Grodno (Belarus)
- 2009-05-12/13 OSiM Asia | The Kowloon Shangri-la hotel, Hong Kong | Openmoko will give a speech
- 2009-05-07 HOUM / Buzz Fix Party | hackable:1 and Openmoko User Meeting and Buzz Fix Party in Paris, France, organized by Bearstech
- 2009-04-06/08 CELF Embedded Linux Conference | ELC 2009 San Francisco, California.
- 2009-04-18 Openmoko Fix it Party | Repairing buzz hardware bug live and for free , Barcelona.
- 2009-04-18/19 Open Source Developer's Conference | OSDC will hold in Taipei , Taiwan.
- 2009-03-30/04-03 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS CONFERENCE - SILICON VALLEY 2009 | San Jose McEnery Convention Center, California | A huge Openmoko marketing event and Sean's speech
- 2009-04-01/02 Swiss Open Source Software Conference & Exposition | Bern, Switzerland | Openmoko Sean will give a speech
- 2009-03-24 Dept. of EE, NTU | Jollen Chen will give a Android/FreeRunner training at Dept. of EE, National Taiwan University.
- 2009-03-23/27 Apogee 2009 | Rakshat Hooja of IDA Systems will be speaking about Openmoko
- 2009-03-21/03-22 LibrePlanet conference, Cambridge, MA | John Sullivan and other Openmoko users will be around, if critical mass then there will be related unconference hacking on Sunday.
- 2009-03-13 Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2009 |Lecture and Seminar Building of the Technical University of Chemnitz|Please visit here to get more information.
- 2009-03-13 Freerunner Meeting in Politecnico di Milano University (Milan, Italy). Please visite here to get more information.
- 2009-03-11/12 OSiM USA | The Westin San Francisco, Market Street | Openmoko will give a speech.
- 2009-03-12/14 OSI Tech Days 2009 | Chennai Trade Center, INDIA | Rakshat Hooja of IDA Systems will be speaking about Openmoko.
- 2009-03-02 Programming competition for Openmoko phones|Registration deadline: March 8th, submission deadline: March 24th, 2009 07:00 UTC.
- 2009-03-01/03-31 Harry' Openmoko Survey | Please help me with my free software and Openmoko related academic research | Harry Tsai of Chang Gung Universtiy
- 2009-02-27/03-01 FOSSMeet @ NITC 2009 | NIT Calicut, INDIA | Rakshat Hooja of IDA Systems will be speaking about Openmoko and the FreeRunner.
- 2009-02-12 Openmoko User Meeting in Karlsruhe. The Karlsruhe Openmoko user meet has successfully attracted 12 interested users and we had some inspiring discussion.
- 2009-02-08 First FreeRunner Party will hold in Italy at 8 February. Please check to get more information. (only in italian ).
- 2009-02-05 Hackable:1 Openmoko User Meeting in Paris (HOUM#1), Thursday February 5th from 18:30 on. The organizer will prepare a SD card containing the newest pre-installed , updated copy of hackable:1 to each guest coming to this event. the announcement on openmoko-fr (french).
- 2009-01-01/05-16 Embedded System Design Contest now hold in Taiwan. Openmoko sponsor 10 FreeRunner phones for this contest. And now there are many schools join this contest.
- 2008-11-18 Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG) 2008 | Four Seas Restaurant, San Francisco, USA | Sean will speak there
- 2008-09-24 OpenExpo 2008 Zürich September 24-25, 2008 | Winterthur, Switzerland | Booth organised by the Openmoko Local Group Switzerland
- 2008-09-17 OSiM Open Source in Mobile World September 17-18, 2008 | Hotel Palace Berlin, Germany | Sean gave a speech on the 17th, interview here
- 2008-08-23 FrOSCon 2008 August 23-24, 2008 | Bonn / St.Augustin, Germany | Mickey gave a talk.
- 2008-08-04 LinuxWorld 2008 August 04-07, 2008 | Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA | in booth 1625 and in the Linux Garage Pavilion booth 1234 in the Moscone Center North Hall | Michael, Harry, Steve, Sean and Jeremy were there
- 2008-07-10 O'Reilly Foo Camp July 11-13, 2008 | Sebastopol, CA | Michael Shiloh was there
- 2008-06-24 Campus Party in Colombia June 23-29, 2008 | Bogota, Colombia | Sean gave a speech on 25th
- 2008-05-28 LinuxTag 2008 May 27-31, 2008 | Berlin, Germany | LinuxTag | Mickey had a talk, Openmoko had a booth.
- 2008-05-16 BSDCan May 16-18, 2008 | Ottawa, CA | Ian Darwin presented Openmoko FreeRunner to the BSD crowd.
- 2008-04-09 Wednesday April 9, 2008 | London, UK | Ole Tange presented Openmoko / Freerunner to the UK Unix Users Group
- 2008-04-08 The Linux Foundation Spring 2008 Collaboration Summit April 8-10, 2008 | University of Texas Commons Center, Austin, TX | Sean is invited as one of the speakers
- 2008-03-28 Openmoko Education/zh tw - Fri