Community Updates/2011-03-01

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Revision as of 10:47, 24 March 2011 by Jluis (Talk | contribs)

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Period 2011-02-01 to 2011-02-28


GTA04EA (Early Adopter)

Since the last community update there has been some progress in the project. Nearly all critical components arrived. The only missing part should now be the CPU, so they even got the very critical POP-memory which was hard to find. So the component "changelog" is the following:

  • MT29C4G96MAZAPCJG-5 IT (512 MB RAM, 512 MB NAND Flash)
  • DM3730CBP (800 MHz version)
  • TPS65950A3 (latest version of the power controller)
  • TFDU6301 (IrDA module substitutes the previous HSDL3602)

Due to two reasons the PCB layout is being reworked:

  • canceling out power supply issues
  • add shielding and tunnels for the most critical audio signals to make sure there is no buzz-fixes are needed.

For more infos see and recent updates see the mailing list at


Gr56.png GameRunner [v0.3]

GameRunner is an Openmoko Linux distribution. It aims to convert the Freerunner phone into a Linux-based handheld game console. It is simple, and contains cool and suitable open source games for Linux mobile devices.

Changelog since v0.2:

  • added "The Battle for Wesnoth" game
  • added "Free Heroes II" game
  • added RoadFighter racing game
  • added Xgalaga game
  • added GnuBoy emulator
  • added Xvier (4 in a row) game
  • fixed the problem with ubifs on nand (previous versions used to corrupt FS on NAND)
  • added bigger icons for launchers
  • improved a bit the snes9x performance

Codename: GameRunner

Hardware Works
Neo 1973 ?
FreeRunner yes
GTA04 ?
HTC-Dream ?
Other ?


New Applications

WeatherView.png barom 0.3

barom uses the bmp085 pressure sensor to report weather/altitude information..

Package: [1]
Tested on: SHR-Unstable

Sensmon-screen.png SensMon

SensMon is a Vala-based monitor for sensors that can be used to visualize the sensor values on the handheld (but not only). The software is very experimental and does not include any kind of exception handling. You are using it at your own risk :) Its main purpose is to test the sensors included in the Freerunner Navigation Board and Freerunner Navigation Board v2.

Package: git
Tested on: SHR-Unstable

General News

Personal tools
Period 2011-02-01 to 2011-02-28


GTA04EA (Early Adopter)

Since the last community update there has been some progress in the project. Nearly all critical components arrived. The only missing part should now be the CPU, so they even got the very critical POP-memory which was hard to find. So the component "changelog" is the following:

  • MT29C4G96MAZAPCJG-5 IT (512 MB RAM, 512 MB NAND Flash)
  • DM3730CBP (800 MHz version)
  • TPS65950A3 (latest version of the power controller)
  • TFDU6301 (IrDA module substitutes the previous HSDL3602)

Due to two reasons the PCB layout is being reworked:

  • canceling out power supply issues
  • add shielding and tunnels for the most critical audio signals to make sure there is no buzz-fixes are needed.

For more infos see and recent updates see the mailing list at


Gr56.png GameRunner [v0.3]

GameRunner is an Openmoko Linux distribution. It aims to convert the Freerunner phone into a Linux-based handheld game console. It is simple, and contains cool and suitable open source games for Linux mobile devices.

Changelog since v0.2:

  • added "The Battle for Wesnoth" game
  • added "Free Heroes II" game
  • added RoadFighter racing game
  • added Xgalaga game
  • added GnuBoy emulator
  • added Xvier (4 in a row) game
  • fixed the problem with ubifs on nand (previous versions used to corrupt FS on NAND)
  • added bigger icons for launchers
  • improved a bit the snes9x performance

Codename: GameRunner

Hardware Works
Neo 1973 ?
FreeRunner yes
GTA04 ?
HTC-Dream ?
Other ?


New Applications

WeatherView.png barom 0.3

barom uses the bmp085 pressure sensor to report weather/altitude information..

Package: [1]
Tested on: SHR-Unstable

Sensmon-screen.png SensMon

SensMon is a Vala-based monitor for sensors that can be used to visualize the sensor values on the handheld (but not only). The software is very experimental and does not include any kind of exception handling. You are using it at your own risk :) Its main purpose is to test the sensors included in the Freerunner Navigation Board and Freerunner Navigation Board v2.

Package: git
Tested on: SHR-Unstable

General News