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BitBake is the build tool used by OpenEmbedded. BitBake recipes are simple, declarative files. Here is an example for the openmoko-calculator2 application:

DESCRIPTION = "A Calculator for OpenMoko"
SECTION = "openmoko/tools"
DEPENDS = "libmokoui2"
PV = "0.1.0+svnr${SRCREV}"
PR = "r0"
inherit openmoko2

The user manual is available at the BitBake berlios page.

BitBake is the build tool used by OpenEmbedded. BitBake recipes are simple, declarative files. Here is an example for the openmoko-calculator2 application:

DESCRIPTION = "A Calculator for OpenMoko"
SECTION = "openmoko/tools"
DEPENDS = "libmokoui2"
PV = "0.1.0+svnr${SRCREV}"
PR = "r0"
inherit openmoko2

The user manual is available at the BitBake berlios page.