Wish List

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This article is a place to collect various thoughts about OpenMoko

Software Related

Printing Support

It would be really neat to be able to print over either bluetooth or USB. I could imagine wanted to print:

  • Notes
  • Maps
  • Email
  • Calendars
  • ...

Cups contains a bluetooth printing backend, so (in theory) once you have your data in postscript format, you could hand it to cups and it'll do the rest. In practice, it depends on

  1. GTK+'s printing support
  2. Making cups run on a really small system

{{note| GTK+'s printing support seems to be very immature in 2.6 (which we need to use for some time). Gtk+ 2.10 contains much better printing support -- once we can use this, it should be more easy.

There's always the possibility to render postscript ourselves, but this is not a piece of cake -- in general, printing is much harder than one would imagine.

Further details:

This article is a place to collect various thoughts about OpenMoko

Software Related

Printing Support

It would be really neat to be able to print over either bluetooth or USB. I could imagine wanted to print:

  • Notes
  • Maps
  • Email
  • Calendars
  • ...

Cups contains a bluetooth printing backend, so (in theory) once you have your data in postscript format, you could hand it to cups and it'll do the rest. In practice, it depends on

  1. GTK+'s printing support
  2. Making cups run on a really small system

{{note| GTK+'s printing support seems to be very immature in 2.6 (which we need to use for some time). Gtk+ 2.10 contains much better printing support -- once we can use this, it should be more easy.

There's always the possibility to render postscript ourselves, but this is not a piece of cake -- in general, printing is much harder than one would imagine.

Further details: