Wishlist/Neo1973 P0 Review

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This is a page for those with P0 hardware to share their impressions of the device, and to respond to questions that may be raised about it.


Koen (on IRC) provided these pictures.


  • microSD read/write speeds with various cards
  • internal NAND read/write speeds
  • raw dump from s3c2410-ts device as you touch (click)/gesture/hold down with fingers/stylus
  • raw dump when doing fake double-touch: one finger down and then tap with second finger or make gesture with second finger
  • closeup of screen, for example letter a (or some word) in same physical size in Neo1973 screen, 'normal' LCD screen and printed paper


This is a page for those with P0 hardware to share their impressions of the device, and to respond to questions that may be raised about it.


Koen (on IRC) provided these pictures.


  • microSD read/write speeds with various cards
  • internal NAND read/write speeds
  • raw dump from s3c2410-ts device as you touch (click)/gesture/hold down with fingers/stylus
  • raw dump when doing fake double-touch: one finger down and then tap with second finger or make gesture with second finger
  • closeup of screen, for example letter a (or some word) in same physical size in Neo1973 screen, 'normal' LCD screen and printed paper
