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(SHR LITE image content suggestions)
(Best connections manager for SHR)
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== Best connections manager for SHR ==
== Best connections manager for SHR ==
It's not easy to use WiFi with the freerunner.
There are many applications but we still lack a polished functioning one.
* [ Iliwi] is now included in SHR full by default.
Here is a non comprehensive list:
* [ Mokonnect]
installation ok
use: ok but sometimes it fails to connect and you have to retry. Still it seems the most functioning one
It's not easy to use WiFi with the freerunner.
There are many applications but we still lack a polished functioning one.
[10:45] <spaetz> I really want to replace mokonnect with something that is more stable... sigh
[10:45] <spaetz> pressing "scan" wifi and no feedback at all...
Here is a non comprehensive list:
[10:45] <JaMa> spaetz: have you tried that nwa? qt based?
* [ Iliwi] -  new one proposed in -devel mailing list:
* [ Iliwi] -  new one proposed in -devel mailing list:
* [ Mokonnect]
installation ok
use: ok but sometimes it fails to connect and you have to retry. Still it seems the most functioning one
* wpa-gui  -  available in SHR feeds - I have still to try it
* wpa-gui  -  available in SHR feeds - I have still to try it

Revision as of 22:07, 6 July 2010


About me

My name is Graziano Sorbaioli and I am a free software activist.

My Neo:

  • Neo Freerunner A7+ bought from Golden delicious (highly recommended! Shipment to Italy in 3 working days)
  • SHR FULL Testing

My goals:

I want to hack on the Freerunner in the fields of usability and User Interface.

I own an HTC Dream with Android 1.6 and CyanogenMod rom.

Since the stability and maturity of the Dream and Android I am going to compare it to the Freerunner to see differences and where we can improve.

Neo Accessories

When I bought my Neo the traveller pouche was not included in the package so I had to buy one separately. In Italy I was able to find a good one called "Tucano Rapida Camera Bag extra small". It's made for cameras but the Neo fits good in it.

How to obtain longer battery duration

If you own a Freerunner A7+ you can enhance the battery duration.

Ssh into your phone then:

nano /etc/frameworkd.conf


ti_calypso_deep_sleep = never


ti_calypso_deep_sleep = always

Unfortunately Mickey told me there is no way to detect an A7+ model from a software point of view so this change has to be made by hand everytime you flash a new image.

Suggestions are welcome. :(

SHR vs Android Speed Comparison

Boot Time

How long do both phones take to be up and running? (aka cold start) I will try to keep this section updated.

  • HTC Dream (Android 1.6 + CyanogenMod

~ 1,25 minutes

  • Neo Freerunner A7+ (SHR FULL Testing - 2010 14th April)

1,40 minutes

  • HTC Dream (Android 1.6 + CyanogenMod

~ 1,25 minutes

  • Neo Freerunner A7+ (SHR LITE Testing - 2010 6th March)

1,30 minutes

  • HTC Dream (Android 1.6 + CyanogenMod 4.2.14)

~ 2 minutes

  • Neo Freerunner A7+ (SHR LITE Testing - 2010 25th January)

1,40 minutes

Normal Use

During normal use, SHR Testing is a bit slow because of debugging options enabled in the kernel.

Those will be disabled with the .32 kernel.


<spaetz> graziano: I had them disabled and we got all kind of feedback with weird kernel errors that ONLY occur when debugging is turned off

<Heinervdm> graziano: we will switch to non-debug with the .32 kernel

SHR LITE image content suggestions

SHR lite image should have some software included which is missing right now:


<mrmoku> graziano: as soon as dos1 thinks it is ready... can't do upgrades IIRC and maybe has other problems too

SHR FULL image content suggestions


<mrmoku> graziano: as soon as dos1 thinks it is ready... can't do upgrades IIRC and maybe has other problems too

  • Calendar app
  • email app
  • vocal recorder

SHR User Interface Brainstorming

  • Browsing apps inside home windows

I think we should follow mac os x mobile way of browsing instead of the android one. This means that when the default *visible* home screen is full, the next app installed should go to another page.

Scrolling should be done by different pages instead of scrolling vertically one big window.

  • Closing current app


(graziano) We should have two ways to do this: close the current app by pressing an hardware key or the current X button in the upper bar.

(nick) There pretty much is that now. If you press the power button when an application is open a menu comes up, one of the buttons being close.

(graziano) yes but I was thinking more like mac os mobile behaviour: one button push immediately closes the app and returns you to the home screen.

  • notifications

currently I see them only when I wake up the phone pressing the power button. I don't think it's a good place. We should have them on the upper bar (as android) or in the lower buttons (as mac os mobile)

Finger Friendly

All apps in android are finger friendly, what about SHR testing?


  • small keyboard and keys

possible solutions

see next paragraph

  • scrolling the screen

Two problems here:

 a) it requires more pressure than usual (hardware problem, can't be fixed)

Gnutoo says it can't be fixed because it is related to the type of touchscreen display used.

 b) scrolling is not smooth (software problem, it may be fixed)

(Robin) I am running the current RC of android on my freerunner and scrolling is very smooth. Generally speaking Android on Freerunner behaves much more responsive and shows that the freerunner is indeed a nice Smartphone, with the only handicap of the screen edges which would call for a new CAD design.

(Graziano) This makes me think it is *not* an hardware problem and so it can be solved by hacking on software.

Any thoughts? Is it possible that this issue is related to the spinlock etc. enabled in the kernel? (graziano)


  • slide
  • opening apps in home screen
  • making a call
  • phone log
  • alarm setting
  • calculator
  • mokonnect scanning wifi networks
  • SHR Settings
  • browsing with Ventura

Different Default Keyboard

SHR has two preinstalled keyboard: illume-default and terminal.

Both have too small keys and are not finger friendly.

Possible solutions:


htc tattoo keyboard

Note that our demo app called zhone2 has a keyboard with a similar layout.

Any keyboard expert who wants to finish the job?


none of these keyboards is able to rotate correctly using omnewrotate.


it is a known bug that will be fixed when we move to illume2.

Best connections manager for SHR


  • Iliwi is now included in SHR full by default.

It's not easy to use WiFi with the freerunner. There are many applications but we still lack a polished functioning one.

Here is a non comprehensive list:

  • Iliwi - new one proposed in -devel mailing list:

installation ok

use: ok but sometimes it fails to connect and you have to retry. Still it seems the most functioning one

  • wpa-gui - available in SHR feeds - I have still to try it

I have still to test this one

installation ok

use: it opens, detects my wpa2 wifi network, I am able to insert the wifi network key, but when I press ok it hangs.

installation failed: Segmentation fault

installation failed: "Segmentation fault"

installation failed

Collected errors:

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for zenity:
        *  gtk+-fastscaling (>= 2.10.14) * 
* Cannot find package zenity.
* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for wlan:
        *  dhcp-client * 
* Cannot find package wlan.

installation failed. It immediately returns to shell and doesn't download



Spaetz is working on a new app repository!

Let's help him!

Apple situation:

users buy an iphone and they can install all working apps from the App store.

Google situation:

users buy an android phone and they can install all working apps from Google Market

Free mobile phone community situation:

users buy a Freerunner, install e.g. SHR and

a) they lack an out-of-the-box application to install and manage apps

(suggestion: shr-installer included by default in both SHR images)

b) they lack ONE unique place where they can find apps that works out of the box in their phone.

Currently we have the following repository where people can add apps:

  • openembedded
  • SHR unstable repo
  • SHR testing repo

In the future we will also have an SHR stable repo, it seems.

This situation has to change if we want to provide a good user experience.


When SHR Stable will be released it will have its own repository.

People tell me that usually developers try to maintain their apps in openembedded because they feel their app will be available in a major number of devices this way (and not only openmoko distros).


Choose ONE place where to put and maintain apps and make it clear to developers to add their apps there and not in 2000 other places (that is one of the reason many devs stopped maintaining their apps).


Then we have which is a good website with a wonderful infrastructure that will be a pity to not put to good use.

What could it be its "good use"?

Something like

A showroom for apps where developers can put screenshots, users can comment, vote, and so on?

Please add your thoughts and suggestions here, I want to hear from you.

Until we reach an agreement here it's impossible to talk about further game and apps sections so please LET'S TALK!


<JaMa> graziano: and to explain it a bit more openembedded >= shr-u >= shr-t so whatever is in oe is also available in shr-u and what is in shr-u will be available in shr-t or shr-s but with some delay (as it "needs" to be tested first)

<JaMa> graziano: because if the sources are available and sane it's really easy to add it to oe

<JaMa> graziano: and build it properly in feeds

<JaMa> graziano: instead of downloading some binary, created somehow against really different distro/version

<JaMa> graziano: opkg.oprg is good for screenshots/comments but not for binaries

<spaetz> should simply point to ipks in the shr feed

<Martix> and is just another application repository

SHR Games

where: SHR,

installation ok

playing ok

where: SHR,

installation ok

opkg install xboard gnuchess


playing: error: "xboard: no fonts match pattern -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* "


How to make it work in SHR TESTING,

opkg install

opkg install gnuchess

Launch using:

xboard -size Average -font 6x13 -coordFont 6x13 -clockFont 6x13 -fcp "/usr/bin/gnuchess -b- -e 100 -l- -f 1 -p-"

NOTE: the -size parameter can be adjusted to your screen size.

It can be one of: Titanic, giving 129x129 pixel pieces, Colossal 116x116, Giant 108x108, Huge 95x95, Big 87x87, Large 80x80, Bulky 72x72, Medium 64x64, Moderate 58x58, Average 54x54, Middling 49x49, Mediocre 45x45, Small 40x40, Slim 37x37, Petite 33x33, Dinky 29x29, Teeny 25x25, or Tiny 21x21.

It lacks a desktop icon.

Here is the GNU Chess desktop icon.

where: SHR,

installation ok

playing is a bit slow (maybe due to mutex / spinlock debug etc. activated in the kernel)

where: SHR,

installation ok

playing ok

where: SHR,

installation ok

playing ok


installation ok

opkg install pingus

playing: ok


it doesn't start by default. You have to give the following commands in a terminal:

xrandr -o 1

pingus.bin -w -g 640x434 --disable-music --disable-sound

(it's slow, maybe same reason as mokomaze?)

FEEDBACK from Pingus Developer:

"Yes I saw this happening a while ago, and it affects all fullscreen SDL applications. It has something to do with the new xrandr support (max dimensions not correct after xrandr rotate). Only solution right now is, as you found out, to run in windowed mode...

I might update the ipk on my own server though, if I find time." Games

I tried installing all games using SHR Testing and opkg.

Here is the result:


installation ok

playing: it fails to start


installation ok

playing ok but it lacks a desktop icon and requires you to launch games from the terminal


installation ok

playing ok


installation ok

playing ok


installation: ok

playing not good. Some virtual buttons don't work.

Project page on openmoko


installation ok

playing ok but, is this a game after all?


installation failed:

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for linball-openmoko:

* libvorbis *

* Cannot find package linball-openmoko.


installation ok

playing ok


installation: "Segmentation fault"


installation failed

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for moko-eightball:

* libecore-evas * libecore0 * libevas0 * libedje0 * libevas-engine-software-16-x11

*  libevas-loader-eet *  libevas-loader-png * 
* Cannot find package moko-eightball.


installation ok

playing: it starts but then it doesn't work.


"Downloading" and then it returns to shell


installation ok

playing ok


installation ok playing: it starts but resolution is low. Touching the screen brings on and off the menu. Even using the stylus is impossible to select a menu entry. At the end it crashed.


installation: "Segmentation fault" while downloading


installation failed because of missing dependencies

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for openmiaocat:
        *  python-pygame * 
* Cannot find package openmiaocat.


installation ok

playing ok


installation failed because of missing dependencies

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for pipes:

* python-pygame *


installation ok

playing: it exits immediately


Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "", line 26, in <module>
 File "/usr/share/PySolFC-1.1/pysollib/", line 118, in init
   root = Tkinter.Tk(className=settings.TITLE)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/", line 1643, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)

_tkinter.TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:

   /usr/lib/tcl8.4 /usr/lib/tcl8.4 /lib/tcl8.4 /usr/library /library /tcl8.4.19/library /usr/lib/tcl8.4


installation failed due to missing dependency

Collected errors:

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for scummvm:

* libvorbis *

* Cannot find package scummvm.


installation ok

playing: all puzzles play well


installation ok

playing ok


installation ok

playing: it crashes

List of functioning roms


installation: it failed to download - "error detail: HTTP response code said error"




installation ok

playing ok


installation ok

playing ok

Games it would be good to have


I am not a developer (read it twice please). I am not aware of the technical skills needed to port these games or even if porting is possible on the Freerunner (maybe because of low device cpu, os libraries, dependencies, etc.).

I am writing this list because I think it would be good to have them.

So please, instead of useless critics, let's have a brainstorm about new Freerunner games, ok?

If you wish to start working on any of these, please put your nick / name under the game with your email.

Thank you.

  • TORCS <- needs hardware 3d acceleration?
  • Neverball <- needs hardware 3d acceleration?
  • TuxRacer <- needs hardware 3d acceleration?
  • VDrift <- needs hardware 3d acceleration?
  • a Jewel clone
  • pacman clone (Njam?)
  • Checkers
  • Brain Genius / Brain Training
  • a tower defense game
  • Cube <- needs hardware 3d acceleration?

Gnutoo has ported some games to openembedded:

  • Battle for wesnoth (he was helped a bit),last version in openembedded: 1.6.5,require a recent boost (1.41.0 works fine)
  • Frozen bubble(he did that: 1.1.0->2.2.0): version 2.2.0
  • xboard(require a command line startup)

and maybe other he has forgetten of. Applications

installation ok


installation ok


  • Ventura

installation ok (opkg install ventura)

use: opens and browse but when clicking on text box it doesn't display any keyboard to input text.

--Rakshat 17:02, 28 February 2010 (UTC) try clicking on the keyboard icon on illume shelf to manualy launch the keyboard whenever you need it

Ok, to open a keyboard the user should click first on the top shelve and then on the right "alpha" writing. Then the keyboard will appear.

If I can suggest, it would be good that keyboard would appear automatically as soon as the user click on a text box (just as the way android and mac os handles this).

Apps it would be good to have

installation ok

use: it failes to start.


<dos1> graziano: i think it's just old package in repo - version from git should work

  • Calendar
  • Image viewer (Neon)
  • Meteo
  • SIM application Toolkit aka SAT support


<DocScrutinizer> graziano: that SIM applications. Not supported by FSO <DocScrutinizer> it's complex, and most devels agree on we don't want to have to disable it, once FSO has implemented it <DocScrutinizer> as you don't have real control over that crap

Possible SHR Testing bugs

  • (SOLVED) clock shows wrong time after reboot (you set it, save, reboot and it shows the wrong time)

Manually: open a terminal

hwclock --systohc


I already reported it to developers and it seems a bug. I think it will be fixed soon.

Suggestions for SHR

  • display really needs a small icon to show where the data is coming from (i.e., THIS contact is stored on (sim/sqlite/csv/...)
  • tab menu to switch between dialer, contacts and call logs
  • automatically detect wifi networks and login to a chosen default one (via mokonnect?)
  • "copy to sim" button inside the contact details window
  • long press in home screen = background choice
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