PIM VCard converter vcard2om.pl

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Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card.
Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card to an HTML-File visible with Midori.
input file; /media/card/pim/contacts.vcf
Create an icon by copying one <tt>midori.desktop</tt> to <tt>convertvcf.desktop</tt> and change the settings with nano editor. The Exec command is <tt>perl /home/root/bin/vcard2om.pl</tt>. Install perl before with:
outputfile: /home/root/.evolution/vCards.html
Change according to your VCF-files.
The script converts the VCF into to a hash and with that you can export to any other file format (SQL command for importing in an sqllite database).
=== Icon for the Converter ===
Create an icon by copying one <tt>midori.desktop</tt> to <tt>convertvcf.desktop</tt> and change the settings with nano editor. The Exec command is <tt>perl /home/root/bin/vcard2om.pl</tt>, if you store the script in your /home/root/bin/ directory (an other directory is possible too).  
=== Install Perl ===
Install perl before with:
   opkg install perl
   opkg install perl
=== Copy the Script in Edit Mode of this Page ===
If you want to copy the following script, go to <i>edit</i> of the page and copy the code of the script inbetween the PRE-Tags, because some characters are not shown as they should in the ''preview'' of this page. And now the script just for an overview:
If you want to copy the following script, go to <i>edit</i> of the page and copy the code of the script inbetween the PRE-Tags, because some characters are not shown as they should in the ''preview'' of this page. And now the script just for an overview:

Revision as of 21:21, 19 August 2009

Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card to an HTML-File visible with Midori.

input file; /media/card/pim/contacts.vcf
outputfile: /home/root/.evolution/vCards.html

Change according to your VCF-files. The script converts the VCF into to a hash and with that you can export to any other file format (SQL command for importing in an sqllite database).

Icon for the Converter

Create an icon by copying one midori.desktop to convertvcf.desktop and change the settings with nano editor. The Exec command is perl /home/root/bin/vcard2om.pl, if you store the script in your /home/root/bin/ directory (an other directory is possible too).

Install Perl

Install perl before with:

 opkg install perl

Copy the Script in Edit Mode of this Page

If you want to copy the following script, go to edit of the page and copy the code of the script inbetween the PRE-Tags, because some characters are not shown as they should in the preview of this page. And now the script just for an overview:


my %options = ();
$options{infile}  = "/media/card/pim/contacts.vcf";
$options{outfile} = "/home/root/.evolution/vCards.html";
my $outformat = "html";
my $table_begin = "<table border='1'>";
my $table_end   = "</table>";
my $row_head_begin = "<TR bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\">";
my $row_head_end   = "</TR>\n";
my $row_begin = "<tr>";
my $row_end   = "</tr>";
my $col_begin = "<td><span style=\"font-size:0.3em\">";
my $col_end   = "</span></td>";
my $newline   = "<br>";

my $flocking = 1;
my @FileArray = ();
my @OutFileArray = ();
my %OutFileHash  = ();
my $OUTFORMAT = uc($outformat);

my @SplitArray      = ();
my @SplitArrayID    = ();
my @SplitArrayValue = (); 
my @IDarray         = ();
my %AdressHash  = ();

#my %options=();
#&GetOptions( \%options, "help|?", "infile=s", "outfile=s")
#    or &usage;

if( $options{"help"} ) {
    &usage("Parameter: --help");
if( defined $options{"infile"} ) {
  print "\n Input file:  ".$options{"infile"}." loaded\n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -infile=myfilename.vcf");
if( defined $options{"outfile"} ) {
  print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." \n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -outfile=myoutfilename.csv");
print "\nStart parsing file....";
print "\n----------------------";

print "\n";
my $newID = "";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $line (@FileArray) {
  if  ( $line  =~ /^BEGIN\:VCARD/ ) {
      $count = $count + 1;
      print "\nParse record $count " ;
      %AdressHash = ();
  } elsif ($line =~ /^VERSION\:/) {
      print "in $line";
  } elsif ( $line =~ /^END\:VCARD/ ) {
      print "\ndone";
      #&show_hash(\%AdressHash,"Record $count");
      my $vID = $AdressHash{LastName}." ".$AdressHash{FirstName};
      $OutFileHash{$vID} = &create_string_from_hash(\%AdressHash);
  } else {
    ## EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK:themail@example.net
    @SplitArray = split(/\:/,$line);
    ## SplitArray[0]= EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK
    ## SplitArray[0]= themail@example.net
    ## Convert to HTML
    @SplitArrayID = split(/;/,$SplitArray[0]);
    ## SplitArray2[0]= EMAIL
    ## SplitArray2[1]= INTERNET
    ## SplitArray2[2]= WORKFile
    @SplitArrayValue = split(/;/,$SplitArray[1]);
    $SplitArray[1] = &modify_fileline($SplitArray[1]);
    my $i = 0;
    foreach (@SplitArrayValue) {
       $SplitArrayValue[$i] = &modify_fileline($SplitArrayValue[$i]);
    ## The Values could also be separated by ";"
    print "\n$count: $line";
   # Now we decide what to do with the vCard Content 
   # everything is stored in the hash AdressHash
   # e-Mail
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^EMAIL/ ) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $SplitArray[1];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[1] =~ /([a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+)/) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $1;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+//g;
   # Name
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^N[;]*/ ) {
	$AdressHash{LastName}  = $SplitArrayValue[0];
	$AdressHash{FirstName} = $SplitArrayValue[1];
   # Adress
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^ADR[;]*/ ) {
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\n/$newline/g;
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\,/,/g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\//g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\/$//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/ $//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/,$//g; 
	$AdressHash{Adress}    = $SplitArray[1];
   # Fax and Phone
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /FAX/ ) {
        $AdressHash{Fax} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL;WORK/) {
        $AdressHash{TelWork} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL/ )  {
        if ($SplitArrayValue[0] =~ /^01/) {
             $AdressHash{Mobil} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
        } else {
	     $AdressHash{Tel} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
  }; ## main if-elsif-else
}; ## end foreach 
@OutFileArray = ("<html>\n<head>\n","<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
my @OutFileIDs = keys(%OutFileHash);
foreach my $vID (sort @OutFileIDs) {
print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." saved\n";
print "\nUsed ID in vCard file ".$options{infile};
#@IDarray = ("ID1","ID2","ID3");
print "\n".&create_array_line("",\@IDarray," ");
print "\n";
# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub create_string_from_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
        my $vReturnString = $row_head_begin;
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
            $ppHash->{Tel} = $ppHash->{Mobil};
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
           $ppHash->{Tel} = "W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork};
  	$vReturnString .= $col_begin.$ppHash->{LastName}.", ".$ppHash->{FirstName}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_head_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $ppHash->{Tel} =~ s/[^ 0-9\-\/ W:]//g;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."T: ".$ppHash->{Tel}.$col_end;
        if ($ppHash->{Fax} eq "") {
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."eM: ".$ppHash->{EMail}.$col_end; 
        } else { 
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Fax: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Mob: ".$ppHash->{Mobil}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Adr: ".$ppHash->{Adress}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        return $vReturnString;
## usage is displayed, if no parameter inserted

sub usage {
	my $pOutput = "";
	if (defined $_[0]) {
		$pOutput = $_[0];
    print <<EOUsage;
$0 [options]

    --help                    DFileisplay this help message
    --infile  <filename>      File that will be parsed in vCard format
    --outfile <filename>      File that will be generated in $OUTFORMAT format



# void* load_textfile ($dateiname, \@zeilen_rueckgabewert)
# Der Inhalt von $dateiname wird zeilenweise nach @{\@zeilen_rueckgabewert}
# gepumpt. Scheint dazu gedacht zu sein, Datenbankinhalte in den Speicher
# zu holen; wird kaum verwendet.
sub load_textfile {
	my $pFilename =  @_[0];
	my $ppLines   =  @_[1]; 
	if(!-e $pFilename) {
		print "\n ERROR\n$pFilename does not exist.\n";
	} else {
		open (LOADTEXTFILE, "<$pFilename") or print $!;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 2;}
			@{$ppLines} = <LOADTEXTFILE>;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 8;}
 		foreach my $fileline(@{$ppLines}) {
	}	} 

# void* save_textfile ($dateiname, \@dateiinhalt);
# Schreibt die Daten aus @{\@dateiinhalt} nach $dateiname;
sub save_textfile {
	my $pFilename = $_[0];
	my $ppLines   = $_[1]; 
	if ($pFilename eq "") {
		print "\n ERROR\nNo Filename specified in parameter (save_textfile():103.\n";
	open (SAVETEXTFILE, ">$pFilename") or print $!;
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 2;}
		foreach my $fileline (@{$ppLines}) {
			print SAVETEXTFILE "$fileline\n";
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 8;}

# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub show_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "\nShow Hash:  $pTitle $table_begin";
	print "$table_end\n";

sub show_hash_header {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayKeys   = keys(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_head_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayKeys) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_head_end;

sub show_hash_line {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayValues = values(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayValues) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub show_array {
	my $ppArray       =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "Show Array $pTitle $table_begin";
        print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
	print $table_end;

#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub create_array_line {
	my $pPreSeparator  =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ppArray        =  $_[1]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pPostSeparator =  $_[2]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ReturnString = "";
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		$ReturnString .= "$pPreSeparator$item$pPostSeparator";
        return $ReturnString;

# Modify Fileline and return modified content	#

sub modify_fileline {
	my $pFileLine = $_[0];
	my $BakFileLine = $pFileLine;
	$pFileLine =~ s/^[ ;]+//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[;]+/, /g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/\\,$/,/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[ ,]+$//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[\\][n]$/$newline/g;
	#### CHANGE FILE ##########################
	$pFileLine =~ s/ä/ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ö/ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ü/ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ä/Ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ö/Ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ü/Ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ß/ß/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/´/'/g;
	if ($BakFileLine ne $pFileLine) {
	    print "\nCHANGES: ".$pFileLine."\n"
	return $pFileLine;

#### append an ID to an array if the ID is not in the array
sub append_ID {
    my $ppArray =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
    my $pNewID  =  $_[1];
    my $found = 0;
    #$pNewID =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]//g; 
    foreach my $oldID (@{$ppArray}) {
        if ($pNewID eq $oldID) {
            $found = 1;
    if ($found == 0) {

Tiis script comverts a VCard vcf-File from the SD card.

Create an icon by copying one midori.desktop to convertvcf.desktop and change the settings with nano editor. The Exec command is perl /home/root/bin/vcard2om.pl. Install perl before with:

 opkg install perl

If you want to copy the following script, go to edit of the page and copy the code of the script inbetween the PRE-Tags, because some characters are not shown as they should in the preview of this page. And now the script just for an overview:


my %options = ();
$options{infile}  = "/media/card/pim/contacts.vcf";
$options{outfile} = "/home/root/.evolution/vCards.html";
my $outformat = "html";
my $table_begin = "<table border='1'>";
my $table_end   = "</table>";
my $row_head_begin = "<TR bgcolor=\"#C0C0C0\">";
my $row_head_end   = "</TR>\n";
my $row_begin = "<tr>";
my $row_end   = "</tr>";
my $col_begin = "<td><span style=\"font-size:0.3em\">";
my $col_end   = "</span></td>";
my $newline   = "<br>";

my $flocking = 1;
my @FileArray = ();
my @OutFileArray = ();
my %OutFileHash  = ();
my $OUTFORMAT = uc($outformat);

my @SplitArray      = ();
my @SplitArrayID    = ();
my @SplitArrayValue = (); 
my @IDarray         = ();
my %AdressHash  = ();

#my %options=();
#&GetOptions( \%options, "help|?", "infile=s", "outfile=s")
#    or &usage;

if( $options{"help"} ) {
    &usage("Parameter: --help");
if( defined $options{"infile"} ) {
  print "\n Input file:  ".$options{"infile"}." loaded\n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -infile=myfilename.vcf");
if( defined $options{"outfile"} ) {
  print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." \n";
} else {
	&usage("ERROR: You must define an -outfile=myoutfilename.csv");
print "\nStart parsing file....";
print "\n----------------------";

print "\n";
my $newID = "";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $line (@FileArray) {
  if  ( $line  =~ /^BEGIN\:VCARD/ ) {
      $count = $count + 1;
      print "\nParse record $count " ;
      %AdressHash = ();
  } elsif ($line =~ /^VERSION\:/) {
      print "in $line";
  } elsif ( $line =~ /^END\:VCARD/ ) {
      print "\ndone";
      #&show_hash(\%AdressHash,"Record $count");
      my $vID = $AdressHash{LastName}." ".$AdressHash{FirstName};
      $OutFileHash{$vID} = &create_string_from_hash(\%AdressHash);
  } else {
    ## EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK:themail@example.net
    @SplitArray = split(/\:/,$line);
    ## SplitArray[0]= EMAIL;INTERNET;WORK
    ## SplitArray[0]= themail@example.net
    ## Convert to HTML
    @SplitArrayID = split(/;/,$SplitArray[0]);
    ## SplitArray2[0]= EMAIL
    ## SplitArray2[1]= INTERNET
    ## SplitArray2[2]= WORKFile
    @SplitArrayValue = split(/;/,$SplitArray[1]);
    $SplitArray[1] = &modify_fileline($SplitArray[1]);
    my $i = 0;
    foreach (@SplitArrayValue) {
       $SplitArrayValue[$i] = &modify_fileline($SplitArrayValue[$i]);
    ## The Values could also be separated by ";"
    print "\n$count: $line";
   # Now we decide what to do with the vCard Content 
   # everything is stored in the hash AdressHash
   # e-Mail
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^EMAIL/ ) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $SplitArray[1];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[1] =~ /([a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+)/) {
        $AdressHash{EMail} .= $1;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+@[a-zA_Z0-9\_\-\.]+//g;
   # Name
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^N[;]*/ ) {
	$AdressHash{LastName}  = $SplitArrayValue[0];
	$AdressHash{FirstName} = $SplitArrayValue[1];
   # Adress
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /^ADR[;]*/ ) {
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\n/$newline/g;
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\,/,/g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\\//g;
        $SplitArray[1] =~ s/\/$//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/ $//g; 
	$SplitArray[1] =~ s/,$//g; 
	$AdressHash{Adress}    = $SplitArray[1];
   # Fax and Phone
    if ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /FAX/ ) {
        $AdressHash{Fax} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ($SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL;WORK/) {
        $AdressHash{TelWork} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
    } elsif ( $SplitArray[0] =~ /TEL/ )  {
        if ($SplitArrayValue[0] =~ /^01/) {
             $AdressHash{Mobil} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
        } else {
	     $AdressHash{Tel} .= $SplitArrayValue[0];
  }; ## main if-elsif-else
}; ## end foreach 
@OutFileArray = ("<html>\n<head>\n","<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">
my @OutFileIDs = keys(%OutFileHash);
foreach my $vID (sort @OutFileIDs) {
print "\n Output file:  ".$options{"outfile"}." saved\n";
print "\nUsed ID in vCard file ".$options{infile};
#@IDarray = ("ID1","ID2","ID3");
print "\n".&create_array_line("",\@IDarray," ");
print "\n";
# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub create_string_from_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
        my $vReturnString = $row_head_begin;
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
            $ppHash->{Tel} = $ppHash->{Mobil};
        if ($ppHash->{Tel} eq "") {
           $ppHash->{Tel} = "W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork};
  	$vReturnString .= $col_begin.$ppHash->{LastName}.", ".$ppHash->{FirstName}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."W: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_head_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $ppHash->{Tel} =~ s/[^ 0-9\-\/ W:]//g;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."T: ".$ppHash->{Tel}.$col_end;
        if ($ppHash->{Fax} eq "") {
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."eM: ".$ppHash->{EMail}.$col_end; 
        } else { 
             $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Fax: ".$ppHash->{TelWork}.$col_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        $vReturnString .= $row_begin;
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Mob: ".$ppHash->{Mobil}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $col_begin."Adr: ".$ppHash->{Adress}.$col_end; 
        $vReturnString .= $row_end;
        return $vReturnString;
## usage is displayed, if no parameter inserted

sub usage {
	my $pOutput = "";
	if (defined $_[0]) {
		$pOutput = $_[0];
    print <<EOUsage;
$0 [options]

    --help                    DFileisplay this help message
    --infile  <filename>      File that will be parsed in vCard format
    --outfile <filename>      File that will be generated in $OUTFORMAT format



# void* load_textfile ($dateiname, \@zeilen_rueckgabewert)
# Der Inhalt von $dateiname wird zeilenweise nach @{\@zeilen_rueckgabewert}
# gepumpt. Scheint dazu gedacht zu sein, Datenbankinhalte in den Speicher
# zu holen; wird kaum verwendet.
sub load_textfile {
	my $pFilename =  @_[0];
	my $ppLines   =  @_[1]; 
	if(!-e $pFilename) {
		print "\n ERROR\n$pFilename does not exist.\n";
	} else {
		open (LOADTEXTFILE, "<$pFilename") or print $!;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 2;}
			@{$ppLines} = <LOADTEXTFILE>;
			if($flocking) {flock LOADTEXTFILE, 8;}
 		foreach my $fileline(@{$ppLines}) {
	}	} 

# void* save_textfile ($dateiname, \@dateiinhalt);
# Schreibt die Daten aus @{\@dateiinhalt} nach $dateiname;
sub save_textfile {
	my $pFilename = $_[0];
	my $ppLines   = $_[1]; 
	if ($pFilename eq "") {
		print "\n ERROR\nNo Filename specified in parameter (save_textfile():103.\n";
	open (SAVETEXTFILE, ">$pFilename") or print $!;
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 2;}
		foreach my $fileline (@{$ppLines}) {
			print SAVETEXTFILE "$fileline\n";
		if($flocking) {flock SAVETEXTFILE, 8;}

# show the content of an array as one line splitted in table elements
sub show_hash {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "\nShow Hash:  $pTitle $table_begin";
	print "$table_end\n";

sub show_hash_header {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayKeys   = keys(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_head_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayKeys) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_head_end;

sub show_hash_line {
	my $ppHash        =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my @lvArrayValues = values(%{$ppHash});
	print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@lvArrayValues) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub show_array {
	my $ppArray       =  @_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pTitle        =  @_[1]; ## p=Parameter
	print "Show Array $pTitle $table_begin";
        print $row_begin;
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		print "$col_begin$item$col_end";
	print $row_end;
	print $table_end;

#### show the content of an array as a table with one column and
#### as many lines as the length of the array
sub create_array_line {
	my $pPreSeparator  =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ppArray        =  $_[1]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $pPostSeparator =  $_[2]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
	my $ReturnString = "";
	foreach my $item(@{$ppArray}) {
		$ReturnString .= "$pPreSeparator$item$pPostSeparator";
        return $ReturnString;

# Modify Fileline and return modified content	#

sub modify_fileline {
	my $pFileLine = $_[0];
	my $BakFileLine = $pFileLine;
	$pFileLine =~ s/^[ ;]+//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[;]+/, /g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/\\,$/,/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[ ,]+$//g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/[\\][n]$/$newline/g;
	#### CHANGE FILE ##########################
	$pFileLine =~ s/ä/ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ö/ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ü/ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ä/Ä/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ö/Ö/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/Ü/Ü/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/ß/ß/g;
	$pFileLine =~ s/´/'/g;
	if ($BakFileLine ne $pFileLine) {
	    print "\nCHANGES: ".$pFileLine."\n"
	return $pFileLine;

#### append an ID to an array if the ID is not in the array
sub append_ID {
    my $ppArray =  $_[0]; ## p=Parameter,p=Pointer
    my $pNewID  =  $_[1];
    my $found = 0;
    #$pNewID =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]//g; 
    foreach my $oldID (@{$ppArray}) {
        if ($pNewID eq $oldID) {
            $found = 1;
    if ($found == 0) {