Wishlist/Data Traffic Monitor

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Latest revision as of 14:20, 31 August 2008

Wishes warning! This article or section documents one or more OpenMoko Wish List items, the features described here may or may not be implemented in the future.


[edit] Overview

This panel application will show information on the usage of GPRS(/EDGE/HSDPA), and warn at certain levels

[edit] Use Cases

  • I want to know how much MB's of data I used last month.
  • I want to be warned if the daily amount of traffic I can use is exceeded

[edit] Appearance & Interaction

The panel application should show data rates over 2 periods of time, ultimately the traffic today, and the traffic in the current billing period

[edit] On Tap

The extra information is shown, containing the following:

  • Traffic today / Average maximum amount of daily traffic
  • Traffic this billing period (week/month/year?) / Maximum amount of traffic this billing period
  • Number of days from beginning of last billing period / Length of billing period in days

[edit] On Tap with Hold

A menu with the following:

  • Change billing period information
  • Change display/warning information

[edit] Constraints


[edit] Architectural Details


[edit] Implementation Recommendations


[edit] Unresolved Issues

  • How do we monitor this information?
  • Where do we store information?
  • Should this be a part of the GSM & GPRS Connection Status Panel Application?

[edit] Questions and Answers


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